[Event TabRemoved]=[DXTabControl_TabRemoved($source,$eventArgs)]; [Event TabRemoving]=[DXTabControl_TabRemoving($source,$eventArgs)]; [Event TabHiding]=[DXTabControl_TabHiding($source,$eventArgs)];" > TabAdding,是在页面添加前触发,TabRemoved:页面移除完成后触发;TabRemoving:页面移除前触发,TabHi...
Populatethe RadTabControl with some data (tabs): C# VB.NET publicpartialclassMainWindow:Window{publicMainWindow(){InitializeComponent();radTabControl.ItemsSource=Enumerable.Range(1,5).Select(num=>newTabItemModel(){Name=String.Format("Header {0}",num),Content=String.Format("Content {0}",num)})...
The WPF TabControl provides a tab-based navigation functionality. It provides a close button for tabs, tab ordering, and editable tab headers.
TabControl:使用WPF TabControl WPF标签栏控制功能能够实现将界面拆分为多个分区。 用户可以通过点击通常位于界面顶部的页面标签,访问对应的页面分区。页面控制被广泛的运用在Windows软件甚至其自身系统的界面上, 例如运用在文件及文件夹的对话框等等一些界面上。
59.TabControlStylesThis example demonstrates how to create tab controls with styles applied.这个示例演示了如何为TabControl及其TabItem应用样式。值得注意的是TabItem的IsSelected属性,true表示当前被选中:<TabItem Header="Background" IsSelected="true" Style="{StaticResource Triggers}">...
TabControl 标签控件,该控件将多个控件包含在同一空间中,可以节省页面空间。 <StackPanel> <TabControl> <TabItem Header="一年级"> <TextBlock> 一班<LineBreak/> // LineBreak 可以为文本换行 二班<LineBreak/> 三班<LineBreak/> </TextBlock> </TabItem> <TabItem Header="二年级"> <TextBlock Text=...
RadTabControl allows you to control whether to display the tabs horizontally or vertically. You can do that through theOrientationproperty of the tab control. Its default value isHorizontaland therefore the items are positioned horizontally. Setting the property toVerticalwill rotate the headers of the...
How to hide the Tab Headers for a TabControl? How to hide title bar of window in wpf How to highlight row in datagrid as mouse click How to host a WPF window within another WPF window how to implement "Checked" event of Checkbox using MVVM How to implement a vertical slider. How to...
How to hide the Tab Headers for a TabControl? How to hide title bar of window in wpf How to highlight row in datagrid as mouse click How to host a WPF window within another WPF window how to implement "Checked" event of Checkbox using MVVM...
How to hide the Tab Headers for a TabControl? How to hide title bar of window in wpf How to highlight row in datagrid as mouse click How to host a WPF window within another WPF window how to implement "Checked" event of Checkbox using MVVM How to implement a vertical slider. How to...