1 public string SelectFile() //弹出一个选择文件的对话框 2{ 3 OpenFileDialog file = newOpenFileDialog(); 4file.ShowDialog(); 5 returnfile.SafeFileName; 6 } 2.2选择文件夹 using System.Windows.Forms; FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog =newFolderBrowserDialog();if(folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog...
使用OpenFolderDialog类似于使用 WPF 中现有的文件对话框: var folderDialog = new OpenFolderDialog { Title = "Select Folder", InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86) }; if (folderDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { var folderName = folderDialog.FolderName; Mes...
使用OpenFolderDialog类似于使用 WPF 中现有的文件对话框: varfolderDialog =newOpenFolderDialog { Title ="Select Folder", InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86) };if(folderDialog.ShowDialog() ==true) {varfolderName = folderDialog.FolderName; MessageBox.Show($...
openFileDialog1.Filter = "Files|*.txt;*.out"; openFileDialog1.Title = "Select a File"; openFileDialog1.ShowHelp = true; // Show the Dialog. // If the user clicked OK in the dialog and // a file was selected, open it. if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms...
摘要:本文主要是WPF中FileFolderDialog的相关问题,补充了关于在父窗口弹出子窗口,以及子窗口的相关属性(Data Binding)和命令绑定(Delegate Command)问题,里面还有关于如何使用读写xml文件内容的方法。 需要注意的地方: (1)对于每一个窗口(父窗口和子窗口),如果涉及到Data Binding相关问题的时候,均需要设置其对应的DataC...
常见的打开文件夹对话框是作为OpenFolderDialog类实现的,位于Microsoft.Win32命名空间中。 以下代码显示了如何创建、配置和显示对话框。 C# // Configure open folder dialog boxMicrosoft.Win32.OpenFolderDialog dialog =new(); dialog.Multiselect =false; dialog.Title ="Select a folder";// Show open folder ...
adding the checkbox column in to WPF datagrid and select the checked rows ?? Adding user control that has no default constrctor in mainwindow throws exception. Adding UserControl programmatically Adjust the height of the WPF window Automatically based on window size ! Advice on a help file for...
We are thrilled to announce a new set of improvements to the common file dialog API in WPF, starting with .NET 8 Preview 7. This includes the top voted API suggestion in the repository to date – theOpenFolderDialogcontrol to allow users to select a folder – as well as several new pro...
The dialog supports single and multiple selection modes. By default you can select only one folder at a time. To alter this you can set theMultiselectproperty of RadOpenFolderDialog. Example 3: Enable multiple selection C# publicpartialclassMainWindow:Window{publicMainWindow(){InitializeComponent();...
Select a file or folder. These types of windows are known asdialog boxes. A dialog box can be displayed in two ways: modal and modeless. Displaying amodaldialog box to the user is a technique with which the application interrupts what it was doing until the user closes the dialog box. ...