How to add an image on the left side of a button and a text on the right side of the same button in wpf. How to add an item to a CollectionView? Can I use newitemplaceholder? How to add border to GridView? How to add button click event when Button is defined in a style? How...
1)在button1_Click事件中增加一条语句用于接受书籍更新sda.Update(dt); 2)在XAML设计区,最顶层Window元素中增加属性,Closed="Window_Closed",然后在后台实现相应的方法代码如下 两个方法具体代码如下,由于与WPF关系不大,因此不做讲解了: privatevoidbutton1_Click(objectsender,RoutedEventArgse) { sda.Update(dt)...
public static readonly RoutedEvent ClickEvent; // 事件注册 static ButtonBase() { ClickEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("Click", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(ButtonBase)); CommandProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Command", typeof(ICommand), typeof(ButtonBa...
();}//清空ListBox的内容privatevoidbtn_clear_Click(objectsender,RoutedEventArgse){this.list_box.Items.Clear();}//文本框按下事件privatevoidtxt_input_KeyEnvent(objectsender,KeyEventArgse){stringmessage="事件:"+e.RoutedEvent+"-键:"+e.Key;this.list_box.Items.Add(message);}// 文本输入事件...
-- Add button to window --><ButtonName="button"Click="button_Click">Click Me!</Button></Window> C#复制 usingSystem.Windows;// Window, RoutedEventArgs, MessageBoxnamespaceSDKSample{publicpartialclassAWindow:Window{publicAWindow(){// InitializeComponent call is required to merge the UI// that ...
Tip: Event-Handler Naming If you don't want to be stuck with the default naming convention for event handlers (objectName_eventName), simply type in your desired event-handler name, right-click on it, and click Navigate to Event Handler in the context menu. Visual Studio will then generate...
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(ComponentWrapperBase), KeyDownEvent,newRoutedEventHandler(Handler.ClassEventInfoBase_Static)); }// Class event handler that overrides a base class virtual method.protectedoverridevoidOnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e){ ...
But this code fires when I try to right-click a row to get to the context menu. So the SelectionChanged event fires for both left and right clicks. How can I figure out which mouse button was clicked in the SlectionChanged event so if a right button is clicked, then show context menu...
Is there an easy way to fix this so that if I right-click on a cell, the row selection changes to match? I've been trying to do this using the grid's "ContextMenuOpening" event, but there doesn't seem to be enough information available in the arguments to tell me which row was ...