How do i send a bound property to a converter parameter? How do I set a column in WPF datagrid as percentage value with 2 decimal points? How do I set a default intial size for my window? How do I set focus to the first row of a ListView? How do I set my combobox to IsEnabl...
FlyleafLib.Plugins.SubtitlesConverter Remove net 472 Jul 7, 2022 FlyleafLib.Plugins.YoutubeDL Remove net 472 Jul 7, 2022 FlyleafLib Add hotkey for file delete Jul 14, 2022 Images Updates README Dec 20, 2021 Samples Merge latest (initial) ...
Open(mp4Path); while (video.Read(image)) { using (var bitmap = BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(image)) { SaveAsJpeg ( bitmap, picPath, 90 ); } break; } } } // 保存为jpeg格式,quality为图像质量(0-100) public static void SaveAsJpeg ( Bitmap bitmap, string fileName, int quality ) {...
How do i send a bound property to a converter parameter? How do I set a column in WPF datagrid as percentage value with 2 decimal points? How do I set a default intial size for my window? How do I set focus to the first row of a ListView? How do I set my combobox to IsEnabl...
How do i send a bound property to a converter parameter? How do I set a column in WPF datagrid as percentage value with 2 decimal points? How do I set a default intial size for my window? How do I set focus to the first row of a ListView? How do I set my combobox to IsEnabl...
Accord.Video Accord.Video.FFMPEG Accord.Video.DirectShow 其中FFMPEG生成的视频在播放时时长有问题,AForge 录制的视频颜色有偏差,最终选择了Accord FFMPEG音视频均可录制 后两者只能录制视频 音频录制使用了NAudio库. 音视频合成使用了NReco.VideoConverter库....
WPF 视频音频播放控件MediaElement实现进度控制,音量控制实例 说明: 1.Volume控制音量的大小,double类型,并且实现了属性依赖,可以用来双向绑定;在 0 和 1. 之间的线性层表示媒体的数量。默认值为 0.5。 2.Position 获取或设置当前播放的位置,TimeSpa
WPF 媒体播放器(MediaElement)实例,实现进度和音量控制,WPF视频音频播放控件MediaElement实现进度控制,音量控制实例说明:1.Volume控制音量的大小,double类型,并且实现了属性依赖,可以用来双向绑定;在0和1.之间的线性层表示媒体的数量。默认值为0.5。2.Position获
I want to disable the ComboBoxEditSettings for some of the columns (using a converter or binding the isEnabled to a boolean property) but the problem is that the property isEnabled does not seem to work. Please see my example: XAML<dxg:GridControl Grid.Row="2" Name=...