So i tried and replaced wolfssl with the openssl package. (wpad-mesh-openssl) This solved the Problem - the encryption (now on WPA3-Level) is working again. The option I used in both Environments: (in lime-community) option ieee80211s_mesh_id '_mesh' ...
root@Knapso:# root@Knapso:# opkg list-installed | grep -E '(hostapd|hostapd-basic|hostapd-basic-openssl|hostapd-basic-wolfssl|hostapd-basic -mbedtls|hostapd-mini|hostapd-openssl|hostapd-wolfssl|hostapd-mbedtls|wpad|wpad-mesh-openssl|wpad-mesh-wolfssl|wpad-mesh-mbedt ls|wpad-basic|wpad-basic-op...
Blackberry has filed a patent lawsuit against the company Avaya. One of the patents affects the use of elliptic curve cryptography in OpenSSL. Blackberry owns the company Certicom which owns several patents affecting elliptic curve cryptography. For 18 years Libgcrypt and GnuPG had a vulnerability...
1. Re:构建openssl debug版 你好我也用了同样的方法但是step进不了openssl的库函数=。=不知道你有没有遇到过类似的问题 --nmshi 2. Re:Eclipse Gradle配置 你好,请问import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet;出错,该怎么解决 --加油写代码呀 3. Re:Linux下使用openssl生成证书 为什么 客户端和 服务器都要...
详细叙述 我在使用ActionsOpenwrt为我的X32 Pro编译固件,因为device tree中的flash layout发生了变动,现在OpenWRT官方编译的固件已经不能够启动了。现在问题是在编译wpad-basic-wolfssl的时候,我遇到了一个链接问题。我在 #11201 中看到了类似的报错,也看到了有人发布了