and local fee in the port of destination, like agent handing fee, customs entry fee, door delivery fee, duty etc.4.How to avoid the possible damage during the transportation?Try to use the suitable package and shorten the transit time,...
and local fee in the port of destination, like agent handing fee, customs entry fee, door delivery fee, duty etc.4.How to avoid the possible damage during the transportation?Try to use the suitable package and shorten the transit t...
2022年1月21日,值此新春佳节即将到来之际,手术室举办了2021年科室年终总结大会。为响应疫情防控的号召,本次年会使用晨会系统以双院区同步直播的方式举办,活动环节丰富多彩,互动满满,全体手术室成员欢聚一堂、共迎新春。 年会上,首先由手术室护士长袁琦进行了2021年度工作总结,从临床、教学和科研等方面进行了亮点汇报。