WP Reset Pro是一款功能强大、简单易用的WordPress重置插件,具有以下优点: 简单易用 WP Reset Pro非常易于使用,只需要按照简单的步骤即可完成操作。 多种重置选项 WP Reset Pro提供了多种重置选项,可以让您选择需要重置的数据类型。 安全可靠 WP Reset Pro提供了安全模式功能,可以在重置之前进行验证,以防止意外操作。
WP Reset Pro – WordPress 站点重置插件,通过还原快照,可以轻松撤消站点上的任何更改,或者将整个站点或其任何部分重置为默认值,不仅如此WP Reset还是一款高级WordPress开发工具,由开发人员为开发人员开发。调试,测试和开发既困难又耗时。使用正确的工具使其更快! 插件简介: WP Reset插件可以快速将站点的数据库重置为默...
1、下载WP Reset Pro最新版本,通过wp后台上传安装,然后到插件里面点启用。 2、下载汉化文件“wp-reset-zh_CN.po”、“wp-reset-zh_CN.mo”把文件放到“wp-content\languages\plugins”目录下;或者在WP Reset Pro插件的目录下建立一个“languages”文件夹,把“wp-reset-zh_CN.po”、“wp-reset-zh_CN.mo”...
我们每天都使用 WP Reset 来开发、调试和维护数十个 WordPress 站点。我们只添加完成工作所需的功能。 你自己的时间机器 你点击“更新插件”是因为为什么不呢?一切都变糟了?只需单击一下即可回到过去,一切正常。 一键撤消任何操作 一键安装最喜欢的插件
WP Reset Pro - WordPress 站点重置插件,通过还原快照,可以轻松撤消站点上的任何更改,或者将整个站点或其任何部分重置为默认值,不仅如此WP Reset还是一款高级WordPress开发工具,由开发人员为开发人员开发。调试,测试和开发既困难又耗时。使用正确的工具使其更快!
WP Reset does not replace conventional backup plugins. Instead, it works alongside them to provide better protection for your site. Watch this video for a more detailed explanation. How does the PRO version compare to the free one? Short answer – PRO version has three times more features than...
In its free version, WP Reset does not offer an automatic backup.However, you can use its option to create a snapshot, then download the backup of your database.Main problem? A snapshot does not save your site’s files. To cover yourself as much as possible and back up both your ...
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1.WP Reset The WP Reset plugin comes in bothfreeandPROversions. This plugin makes resetting websites painless. Reset and start over aren’t seen very often, but almost every website needs it. Some functions have been improved and others increased in the PRO tier. Create a collection of fav...
Free license – GNU GPL v3 Demo Download Pro Demos View PRO Enter is the perfectfree responsive Multipurpose WordPress theme. Entr isthemethat was created to work with the popular andfreeWooCommerceplugin. Theme is optimized to load quickly by using as little resources as possible. The theme is...