import { getSinglePost, getAllPostsWithId } from '../../lib/api'; import Image from 'next/image'; import { formatTimestampToDate } from '../../lib/util'; interface PostProps { post: { title: string; date: string; content: string; featuredImage: { node: { sourceUrl: string; }...
wp_get_document_title() : wp_title('',false),'canonical_url'=> get_permalink($post_id),'home_url'=> home_url(),'blog_name'=> get_bloginfo('name'),'site_icon_url'=> get_site_icon_url(self::SITE_ICON_SIZE),'placeholder_image_url'=> amp_get_asset_url('images/placeholder-icon...
php// @ {// display the featured imagethe_post_thumbnail(); }else{// set the featured image$attachments=get_posts(array('post_type'=>'attachment','post_mime_type'=>'image','posts_per_page'=>0,'post_parent'...
This will embed links inside each item, allowing you to build interface items much easier (for example, post archive pages can get featured image data at the same time). This also applies to custom endpoints. Any endpoint that returns a list of objects will automatically have the embedding ...
( $thumbnail_support ) { $featured_image_id = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_thumbnail_id', true ); $settings['post']['featuredImageId'] = $featured_image_id ? $featured_image_id : -1; } } if ( $post ) { $post_type_object = get...
WP Engine provides the fastest, most reliable WordPress hosting for 1.5M+ websites. Get 24/7 support, best-in-class security, and market-leading performance.
post.php I18N: Add post type context to "Featured Image" post labels. query.php Query: in wp_old_slug_redirect(), use get_query_var() instead of … registration-functions.php Docs: Use 3-digit, x.x.x-style semantic versioning for `_doing_it_wro… registration.php Docs: Use 3-...
method:'get', url:' ', headers: { "Authorization":"Basic + 加密后得密文", } }).then(res => { console.log(res); }) 如果返回是文章数据,那就表示你的接口和账号都可以正常使用。 二,批量发布文章格式相同的文章 ...
在下面的示例中,我们从 Columns 块、Image、Paragraph 和 Button 创建一个可重用块。 创建可重复使用的块 创建可重用块后,您可以从块插入器将其添加到您网站的任何页面。 块插入器中的可重用块 WordPress 将可重用块视为wp_block帖子类型,因此将它们存储在wp_posts表中。
If a Featured Image is loaded whilst editing the Document record, this would also have the same post_parent set, so in this case, the post_parent is set to 0 leaving the functional postmeta link to denote the presence of the featured image. ...