自己动手写 WordPress 插件 4:使用 WP-Cron 上一节我们讲了如何利用 WordPress API 开发 WordPress 插件。这一节我们继续讲解WordPressAPI,涉及的主题是WP-Cron,就是在 WordPress 中安排任务。 如何在 WordPress 中安排任务,这是在 WordPress 2.1 中就引入的功能。本人针对这个功能翻译过一篇文章:如何在 WordPress 安...
While WordPress does have some scheduling capabilities, many website managers prefer a more comprehensive toolset for scheduling events. WP Crontrol and Advanced Cron Manager are two examples of cron plugins that some of our customers have used successfully....
WP Crontrol byJohn Blackbourn updated 49 days ago5.7 million downloads300,000 active installsRating: 90 / 100 (155 ratings) Breadcrumb NavXT byJohn Havlik updated 53 days ago15.6 million downloads900,000 active installsRating: 92 / 100 (131 ratings) ...
WP Crontrol aims to be fully accessible to all of its users.WP Crontrol's full accessibility statement can be found here. The time that I spend maintaining this plugin and others is in part sponsored by: Plus all my kind sponsors on GitHub: ...
ordPress 本身一直有 WP-Cron(计划任务)的功能,可以设置每隔一段时间来执行,不过 WP-Cron 功能是基于页面浏览的,所以时间上不会那么准确,会相差一些。通过 WP-Cron 我们就可以定期对 WordPress 定期执行一些任务,最近设计开发的导航类主题 Slhao,有一个图书模块,
Use a plugin like WP Crontrol to view and manage your site’s cron jobs. Install and activate the plugin, then go to “Tools” > “Cron Events” in your WordPress admin dashboard. You can identify and disable any plugin or theme-specific cron jobs from here.Manually disable cron jobs ...
Install WP-Crontrol plugin. Wait about 5 minutes to be sure you see the cron job for the Auto-cacheWordPress Dashboard → Tools → Cron Events. Deactivate ZenCache Pro from the Plugins panel. Wait to verify that Autocache entry did not reappear in the Cron Events panel. ...
Alternatively, try theWP Crontrolplugin which lets you view scheduled tasks to make sure they're being run as they should. Cron on WordPress Multisite If you're running a WordPress network, remember the method above will only runWP_Cronfor one site only - you'll need to add an additi...
WP Crontrolplugin can show you a list of tasks or events that are scheduled to run, you can edit, delete or run the tasks now, this is a good way to troubleshoot events that are stuck or past the time. Viewing and Running wp-cron.php with WP CLI ...
Permanently deletes posts, pages, attachments, and comments which have been in the trash for EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS. However, these are not easily visible to the user. Never fear because just like “there’s an app for that”, in WordPress, there’s a Plugin for that! – WP Crontrol (https...