[2024-05-07 18:05:19.565] [info] ARGV { _: [], serve: false, hidden: false } [2024-05-07 18:05:19.565] [info] USER_AGENT WowUp-Client/2.12.0 (Linux; 6.8.8-arch1-1; x64; +https://wowup.io) [2024-05-07 18:05:19.591] [info] Hardware acceleration enabled [2024-05-07 1...
If the problem started happening recently, can you reproduce the problem in an older version of WowUp? What's the most recent version in which the problem doesn't happen? You can download older versions of WowUp from the releases page. Can you reliably reproduce the issue? If not, provide...
02:00:05.671 › USER_AGENT WowUp-Client/2.11.0 (Linux; 6.7.3-3-liquorix-amd64; x64; CF; +https://wowup.io) 02:00:05.679 › Hardware acceleration disabled 02:00:05.900 › App ready: 229ms 02:00:05.950 › process.versions { node: '18.16.1', acorn: '8.8.2', ada...
I have had good interactions with the folks at Wago.io and was pretty close to bringing my addons over to them, as in within a day, when they released the news about their deal with WowUp. The only reason I didn’t offer my addons to Wago.io from the very start is simply because...
Open Notepad Use my code below as a basic template. You’re basically just copy/pasting the URL of the download page.start "" http://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/big-wigs/download start "" https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/raiderio/download ...
PrivacyUrl: https://wowup.io/privacy # Author: PackageName: WowUp with CurseForge PackageUrl: https://github.com/WowUp/WowUp.CF License: GNU General Public License v3.0 LicenseUrl: https://github.com/WowUp/WowUp.CF/blob/main/LICENSE
IO; using System.IO.Compression; namespace WowUp.Updater.Utilities { public static class ZipUtilities { public static string UnzipFile(string inputFilePath) { var zipFileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(inputFilePath); var tempZipDirectory = Path.Combine(zipFileDirectory, Guid.NewGuid().ToString...
I wasn’t on there a year ago because I was concerned about how people may have felt considering that Method owns them and I needed to personally see Method have a bit of cooling down period from the controversy that they had not very long before the Wago.io addons first announcement. ...
Describe the bug default addon channel option is set to alpha. alpha versions exsist. addon channels remain on stable and don't show option to download.
You can download older versions of WowUp from the releases page. Can you reliably reproduce the issue? If not, provide details about how often the problem happens and under which conditions it normally happens. Include details about your configuration and environment: Which version of WowUp are ...