Bol_shop Level 106 75.00USD EU 11 Maine 10 Brisbane 10 Napoli 10 Montana 8 Graf Zeppelin Min. 1 1 watch_later 1 hr info_outline Bol_shop Level 106 83.00USD EU EU 10 NAPOLI 10 TROMP (77k Doubloons) | 1 year premium account
the premium store was merged and now it is the same for all regions: (previously it was, for example , or ).
[IBUKI] "It's snowing outside, Aruji-dono~" - 出入公會紀錄 統計 比較 日期Player戰鬥PR勝率平均傷害 07.01.2025 Ciallo_awa 982 698 47.15% 27 901 07.01.2025 Make_des_moines_Great_AG 8 676 1 756 60.96% 95 007 29.12.2024 GrayGhos_CV6Enterprise 2 500 1 614 54.72% 76 853 28.12....
However, captains must note that buying a pre-order package does not grant them access to the Closed Beta. All the packages are available at the Premium Shop: (Europe) (North America) (Asia)Home...
Lunar New Year celebrations are kicking into a new gear with the arrival of Serpentine Boxes to the in-game Store and the Premium Shop! As always, the Boxes are more than worth their value, offering guaranteed goodies and a chance to receive one of eight 2D styles and/or one of eight ...
However, captains must note that buying a pre-order package does not grant them access to the Closed Beta. All the packages are available at the Premium Shop: (Europe) (North America) (Asia)Home...