Other cool features Check out what other things the wows-monitor is good for :) Clanwars Livefeed See who played who in realtime, filter for specific teams, your region, league, etc... Check the history of all recorded battles!
23 Connect to a desktop client to receive match updates Changelog v1.3.4 Fixes Added missing error message language resources Got it!
征募站细节请参考 https://worldofwarships.asia/zh-sg/content/recruiting_station/ 闲言少叙,我们来看第一个工具游戏数据统计工具WOWS Monitor (下载地址 https://wows-monitor.com),它会记录个人以及公会战等的战绩,也能实时跟踪比赛双方玩家的统计数据,比如胜率,场均,场次和PR(个人评级)等,俗称水表。这是一把...
1489 战舰世界吧 风行者1105 官方软件教程:wows monitor(带网盘地址)和 modstation最近不少人问我怎么样下载实时战绩软件wows monitor,我创建了一个百度网盘,解压后点里面的exe文件就可以使用了,希望可以帮助到大家。 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fckd1sofDGxuVxzYmnQNjQ 提取码: xsf6 Wows modstation是官方...
【战舰世界】2900裸经验 5杀邓肯 绝命峡谷 群岛大战(Blue_Monitor 投稿) 13:00 【战舰世界】3700裸经验 5杀祖国 残局带领队伍走向胜利(村里我最富 投稿) 19:18 【战舰世界】25万伤害 4杀胜利 排位赛 绝杀惜败(GaiusJuliusz 投稿) 13:50 【战舰世界】2900裸经验 5杀中途岛 逆风绝境 孤注一掷(Class2003...
分享2910 战舰世界吧 风行者1105 这游戏谈单野胜率就是扯淡今天开了一下wows monitor,看看都是啥牛鬼蛇神跟我在玩。好家伙,一进去,里面7个红色pr的队友。更神奇的是,看到了两个神奇的人。 一个艾吉尔,3.9万场均,33场,60%胜率。 一个罗恩,2.2万场均,6场,83%胜率。 这两个人果不其然,艾吉尔冲上去被北风...
Not really. WoWs RS is simply different and it aims to solve one major issue, dual monitor. It is not needed and you don't need to switch back to your desktop to check the stats and go back. It is on your phone and you can always see it. However, there are limitations. Your com...
"She's really good! I thought she was going to lip sync," one fan told WBZ. "I'm sure she puts in a lot of work," said another. The Taylor Swift impersonator, we'll call her June (Taylor's Version), said she loves seeing the crowd sing along to each song. ...
The platform allows customers who order Haier-branded air conditioners to design products themselves. With buyers' permission, the platform can also monitor the operation of air conditioners, give energy-saving tips, and identify faults. The platform has connected 900,000 enterprises, covered 15 indus...
Oblivious to the 1-ton 3D Jet Fusion printer that HP volunteers had pushed and sweated into place beside the monitor, Ava’s attention was riveted on the HP video. She bounced as cubes scrolled across the screen. She jumped as they turned bright colors – cyan, magenta, and canary yel...