Critters– An NPC that is not hostile and have very low level and stats. Can mostly be one-shotted by players/other mobs of all levels D Dal– Dalaran, the WotLK Neutral City, also one of many of the Human city-states. Floating above Crystalsong forest. See ‘Shatt’ Darn– Darnassus...
You can use it as a fast track guide. Just ignore the "Your level" bit. I would seriously suggest that you wait until your level 50+ before trying this though, as it'll will takes you ages to complete at lower levels (unless of course you have a couple of level 50+ friends who d...
You must be 425 to mine Rich Saraonite, you will find Titanium Veins along the way but you must be 450 to mine these. Sholazar Basin is a miner’s heaven due to it’s structure. This zone will probably be overcrowded when WOTLK first comes out so I’ve included a lot of different...
The Ruby Sanctum is now available on Frostmourne. The Icecrown Citadel zone buffs are enabled, starting at 5% on February 01, 2021 and increasing in weekly increments. FROSTMOURNE January 8, 2021 The Ruby Sanctum is scheduled to be released on February 1, 2021. The Icecrown Citadel zone buffs...
Mount:You can buy your first mount at level 20! The basic ground mount has a speed of 60% and costs five gold. Head to the starting zone or capital city for your race to purchase a mount as soon as you can – it really makes everything a lot faster and easier. ...
Scattered all across the realms and nations of Azeroth is one thing that appeals to every player, no matter which faction, class, or race. Treasure. In every zone in the game you can find at least one container filled with random loot hidden away from
ItemAcquisitionZoneLevelItem SlotItem Type Abyss Shard Quest (A),Quest (H)Trolls of a Feather Class Quest 52 Trinket Misc Abyssal Cloth Amice BossBaron Kazum (23.96%) World Drop 60 Shoulder Cloth Abyssal Cloth Pants BossThe Duke of Zephyrs (21.81%) World Drop 57 Legs Cloth Abyssal Cloth Wr...
WOTLK era Learn the next level of Enchanting 352-360 enchantEnchant Cloak- Speed 360-370 enchantEnchant Bracers- Striking 370-375 enchantEnchant Chest- Super Stats 375-376 craftRuned Eternium Rod 376-380 enchantEnchant Bracers- Striking 380-385 enchantEnchant Bracers- Exceptional Intell...
Six new high-level zones: Mount Hyjal and Uldum in Kalimdor; Vashj'ir and the Twilight Highlands in the Eastern Kingdoms; Deepholm in the elemental plane of earth; and the PvP zone and daily quest hub Tol Barad. Vashj'ir is treated as a sub-continent comprised of three smaller zones. ...
PvP mechanics are extended in WotLK, with the addition of a dedicated PvP zone (even on PvE servers) in central Northrend called Wintergrasp. There is no requirement to visit the zone, but the benefit is that all bosses in instances drop a token, similar to Spirit Shards in Auchindoun, ...