[Mageroyal] As an ingredient [Hunter's Ink] External links Battle.net (EU) Wowhead Thottbot WoWDB v • d • eInks, pigments, and parchments Inks [Ivory]· [Moonglow]· [Hunter's]· [Midnight]· [Dawnstar]· [Lion's]· [Royal]· [Jadefire]· [Fiery]· [Celestial]· [Ink ...
EclipseBeltStarfire increases the critical strike chance of your next two Wraths by 30%, and Wrath increases the critical strike chance of your next Starfire by 30%, both effects stacking up to 4 charges. Both spells also gain 70% chance at all times to not lose casting time when you tak...
怒焰裂谷 Ragefire Chasm 奥格弗林特 Oggleflint 饥饿者塔拉加曼 Taragaman the Hunger 愤怒者塞雷玛尔 Zele...
Spell Hit > Spell / Frost / Fire Damage > Spell Crit > Intellect > Stamina > Spirit For more information on the stats that you should be looking for, check out the stats page listed below. Frost Mage DPS PvE Stats To help with presentation clarity, items that have Alliance and Horde ve...
with the +hit enchant. Be wise when you gear up, dont sacrifice 40 damage for 15 hit.. Just keep the goal of 202 in mind.If your in a raid with any Draenei (shaman would be best) you get 4 % Spell hit from the Draenei’s Inspiring Presence and a Totem of Wrath from the ...
牧師的心靈之火[Inner Fire]或撒滿的嗜血術[Bloodlust]都是典型的Buff。 Carebear - 喜歡幫助其他玩家攻擊怪物,而非在pvp中攻擊其他玩家的玩家 Caster - 非「坦克」型角色,如法師。 Cheese - 利用遊戲的不平衡之處牟利。 Critters - 面對攻擊不會反擊的怪物,如小鹿和小兔子。 DD - Direct Damage,直接傷害。
Just keep the goal of 202 in mind.If your in a raid with any Draenei (shaman would be best) you get 4 % Spell hit from the Draenei’s Inspiring Presence and a Totem of Wrath from the shaman. Gearing Guide TBC Warlock Pre-Raid BIS Guide Important/Easy to get items/enchants Weapon/...