范围距离8-35 码(Hunter Range) 施法时间瞬发 冷却时间n/a 技能效果 #1(6) Apply Aura #3: Periodic Damage 值: 28 时间: 3 秒 相关联的信息 学习自 (25) 学习自 (25) 参见(8) 参见(8) 学习自 (25) 学习自 (25) 参见(8) 参见(8) ...
英文名:Hunter's Mark复制 猎人印记 ID: 14324 Hunter's Mark 等级3 45 法力值 100 码 瞬发 需要 猎人 需要等级 40 给目标加上猎人印记,使任何攻击者的远程武器对该目标的攻击强度提高75点。另外,被施加了这项技能的目标总是可以被猎人看见,无论是隐形还是潜行都无法摆脱。目标的位置也会在微缩地图上显示出来...
i have 72 Marks of Honor saved up on my dk main, i waited through the ENTIRE Shadowlands expansion for the Shadowlands PvP appearances to be able to be bought with Marks of Honor, Wowhead says they were added in patch, but the PvP broker vendors don’t have them. the ...
5.Wowhead Jump to page:[ 1 ]2345678910» About|Contact|FAQ Looking for guild on Area 52. I am horde.1/09/2024 08:36:00HordePvE [A][US][Hyjal] - Looking for semi casual PvP guild10/17/2023 14:00:00AlliancePvE [us] 437 AOTC preservation evoker looking for mythic raiding guild6...
Wowhead Client: An addon and application to contribute data to Wowhead’s extensive database. Leatrix Plus: Enhances the user interface with quality-of-life improvements, such as auto-selling gray items, auto-accepting resurrections, and streamlining quest interactions. Leatrix Maps: Upgrades the defa...
Poking around on Wowhead (their "stat weighting" filter is excellent), I also noticed the Battlemaster's AP and crit trinkets are available for 30k honour. Anyone with a significant honour pool after the BG badge conversion may want to think about those (after checking the effect in the ...
The 2 recommended survival specs on icy/wowhead are literally based around those 2 talents. Also to note for hunter in general, I fully believe that either Camouflage or Trailblazer should be made baseline. Trailblazer is the most likely candidate, as we used to have Aspect of the Cheetah ...
The 5 phases of the Kil'jaeden encounter get progressively more difficult. Throughout phase 2 through 5,Kalecgosis flying from high above attacking Kil'jaeden with arcane bolts. Phase 1 Initially, threeHands of the Deceiverare positioned next to the Sunwell, channelingAnveena's powers into the ...
Check out preliminary talent calc onWowhead. No word yet on any MM or SV changes. SV is still melee. The general message I’ve seen in dev interviews so far is not to expect any big revamps for any specs, just tweaks. WoW Classic announced ...
^ab[15-30]Futile Pride ^"Human campaign:Rockard and Stonard (WC1 Human)",Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.Blizzard Entertainment. ^Lands of Conflict, pg. 59 Wowhead WoWDB Community content is available underCC BY-SA 3.0unless otherwise noted.