this is from: WoW Classic Anniversary Realms New WoW Classic Anniversary realms will go live on November 21 at 2:00 p.m. PST. In each region, the realms will be: ...
但是对于国服玩家来说,Wowsims并不提供中文界面, 而且因为数据库(Wowhead)单方面限制了国内的IP,导致Wowsims无法正常访问或者缺少部分功能 过去只能通过网页翻译配合特殊的方式上网才能正常使用,在国服也并不被广泛了解. 得益于Pit新开发...
60 Check outWowhead’s complete guidefor tips and strategies to help you and your team make the most of your time in this classic Battleground. Alterac Valley Step into Alterac Valley and prepare to engage in a battle for every square meter across this Battleground. You’ll need to coor...
For more insights on this epic raid dungeon, checkout Wowhead’s Blackwing Lair Raid Strategy Guide, then join the discussions on the forums.
You can check out Wowhead’s official Rogue class guide here. Iconic Rogue Abilities The rogue has one of the most iconic toolkits in Classic Wow. Stealth: Perhaps the most useful ability in the game for both PvE and PvP. Vanish: One of the few classes that can reset or flee from a ...
As promised, a large WoW TCG loot giveaway on Wowhead has just completed. For those that missed out on winning, do not despair, for a new competition on MMO-Champion with our loot will be starting there very soon. The next expansion, Betrayal of the Guardian (BotG) is less than one ...
Regarding TBC druid, from Wowhead:“Bears are exceptional tanks throughout the entirety of TBC. … Finally (and perhaps most importantly for the Classic meta), feral tanks can generate the most threat per second (TPS) and damage per second (DPS) of the three tank specs by a significant ...
Loon Best in Slot addon for WOW Cata Classic Features Wowhead BIS guides integrated in game Toggleable minimap button and tooltip integration Tooltip integration that shows item status in bis lists Fully functional loot browser that allows filtering by class / spec / phase / slot / source / raid...
As with his sister Onyxia, you’ll be able to loot theHead of Nefarianwhen you defeat him, which will begin a quest and allow you to spread word of your victory. For more insights on this epic raid dungeon, checkoutWowhead’s Blackwing Lair Raid Strategy Guide, then join the discussions...