Not so much for the Classic/TBC leveling but for WotLK I’ve not really taken note of where things are, where to go, who to talk to etc. Even though I’ve leveled 4 characters to 80 I don’t really know that many of the out of the more “hidden” quests within Northrend. As ...
WOTLK classic addons?? Replies:2 Views: 6,628 Venara 2022-08-31,05:46 PM [Weakauras] Need some help with a weakaura. Replies:1 Views: 1,008 Kikazz 2022-08-30,07:00 AM Poll:Addon Managers«12» Replies:22 Views: 14,331 ...
If you feel the current Requirement toolset is not enough for you, you can use other addons such as WeakAura's Trigger to control a given bit. The regarding in-game Addon API is looks like this YOUR_CHOOSEN_ADDON_NAME_FROM_ADDON_CONFIG:Set(bit, value) -- bit: 0-23 -- value: 0 ...
Peggle was in WotLK - - - Updated - - - Originally Posted by HuxNeva You mean allow those vanilla "i just mindlessly press one button on cooldown and let a script I copied figure out whatever is best to cast' style gameplay? I think you have weird ideas about how macros in WoW ...
Apr 2024 Problem is the makers of this addon are in a discord with the devs and anyone against these sorts of things are not. So that tells you who they listen to straight off the top. So it is a pointless thing. They in essence have allowed work arounds to the TOS with “technical...
If you feel the current Requirement toolset is not enough for you, you can use other addons such as WeakAura's Trigger to control a given bit. The regarding in-game Addon API is looks like this YOUR_CHOOSEN_ADDON_NAME_FROM_ADDON_CONFIG:Set(bit, value) -- bit: 0-23 -- value: 0 ...