Defense– the stat that primarily controls the reduction of damage and chance to block attack. Varies from class to class. This used to be a primary statistic for tank classes. Demo– (1) Reference to Demonology spec Warlocks; (2) Reference to the Warrior ability Demoralizing Shout, or a ...
Rogues can fully tank 5mans, 10mans, off-tanking and main-tank raids. But, this is reliant on personal and guild experience. I should point out, a rogue’s overall defensive statistics will never approach a warrior’s. However, it isn’t necessary to do so to tank....
A tank is a character whose primary purpose or class role is to absorb damage and prevent others from being attacked. Tanks are "meat shields", so to speak, putting themselves between the mobs and the more vulnerable party members. The tank's task is to
[Titan’s Grip]– Bread and butter for Fury warriors in WoTLK. This allows the use of a 2H Weapon in both the MH and OH slow, but at the price of a small damage decrease. This allows us to have 2 2H weapons, normally with high stats on them, making gearing and Stat capping easie...
I feel as do many others that these two were the best expansions of WoW. Though when people discuss it, there seems to be a bit of a bias towards WoTLK because that is when WoW had the biggest playerbase and alot of new …
Support for WotLK talent and buff stat mods, detailed change log for each class: Warrior Added Talent: Armored to the Teeth: 1/2/3 for every 180 armor Added Talent: Strength of Arms: Increases Strength and Stamina by 2%/4%. Added Buff(TBC): Last Stand: +30% of your maximum heal...
WotLK Death Knight Guide – Blood Tank Wrath Death Knight Guide Rating: Introduction This is the blood tanking guide i compiled for my guild from various sources and then changed/added what was needed to fit in with moltens own peculiarities. just though i would post this here so i dont ha...
'WarriorGladiator': Spec.SpecWarrior, 'WarriorProtection': Spec.SpecProtectionWarrior, DeathKnightBlood: Spec.SpecTankDeathknight, DeathKnightLichborne: Spec.SpecTankDeathknight, DeathKnightRuneblade: Spec.SpecDeathknight, DeathKnightBloodDPS: Spec.SpecDeathknight, DeathKnightFrost: Spec.SpecDeathknight, ...
GetLFGQueueStats() - returns current state and wait times for being in queue GetLFGRoles() - returns isLeader, isTank, isHealer, isDPS - Returns the roles you signed up as, not the role you were assigned. GetLFGRoleUpdate() - returns roleCheckInProgress, slots, members GetLFGRoleUpdate...
Tracks group and raid achievements for the WotLK and Cataclysm expansions. RaidComp by CommandoXXX, arthiceu. Scans the players in the raid and calculates which raid-buffs are present in the raid and which are not. RaidID by omegasnow. Tracks your Raid IDs across all characters on a realm...