Stat Priority Stat priorities for a Survival Hunter are quite different than the other two hunter specializations. Considering that you attack with a melee weapon, Attack Power and Strength become far more important for the Survival specialization. You’ll still need Hit rating and Agility, so gear...
As a Survival Hunter you will find that some stats you are looking for are different than that for the Beast Mastery Talent build. Here are some key points on each stat. Level 80 Stat Conversion 1 agi = 1.15 ap .012% crit 1 ap = 1ap 1 stam = .3 ap 1 int = 1 ap 15 mana Ha...
General Stat Priority: Dual-Wield Melee Hit Cap (12%) > Agility > Strength/Attack Power > Intellect.Phase 5 Two-Hand BiS “Orc”Phase 5 Dual Wield BiS “Orc”Phase 6 Dual Wield BiS “Orc”Hunter Gear SpreadsheetGear EnchantsEnchants similar to gear need to be tailored for our purposes. ...
Add in the competition from pretty much all other melee classes and you'll see why it's not terribly high on my priority list for a casual hunter. Stat Stick: If you have incredible drop luck with Battered Hilts or plenty of gold sitting around, Quel'Delar, Ferocity of the Scorned is ...
Stat Priority As casters, Shadow Priests by nature want Intellect and spell damage, but they have issues with mana. Because of this, you’ll need to find a good balance between damage and mana regeneration. After all, the amount of damage a spell will deal doesn’t matter if you don’t...
I didn’t start playing WoW until WotLK so I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be looking for as we start rolling through the good old new old days. Played primarily as Survival, some Beast, never MM, so what’s the best gear and where should I be looking for the epic drops? ß...
Dal– Dalaran, the WotLK Neutral City, also one of many of the Human city-states. Floating above Crystalsong forest. See ‘Shatt’ Darn– Darnassus DC– Death Coil, [1] a spell used by Warlock to fear, damage, and heal themselves [2] an ability used by a Death Knight to damage an...
Tracks group and raid achievements for the WotLK and Cataclysm expansions. RaidComp by CommandoXXX, arthiceu. Scans the players in the raid and calculates which raid-buffs are present in the raid and which are not. RaidID by omegasnow. Tracks your Raid IDs across all characters on a realm...
The day has arrived, like so many WoW expansion launch days over the past 18 years. I only joined WoW at Burning Crusade but that still means I’ve been here for WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA and Shadowlands. And of course, today’s launch of Dragonflight. Now, you’d th...
That should be the priority. Once you get that start trying to up the +damage. You can get away with as little as 5K mana buffed, but when you are happy with the other stats, try and get this up to 6K so that you can use Mana Shield more often, and last longer. The best ...