rogue.proto shaman.proto test.proto ui.proto warlock.proto warrior.proto sim tools ui .eslintrc.js .gitignore Dockerfile LICENSE go.mod go.sum makefile package-lock.json package.json pre-commit tsconfig.json tsfmt.json vite.config.jsBreadcrumbs wotlk /proto / ui.proto Latest...
import { RaidSimSettings } from '../core/proto/ui'; import { professionNames, raceNames } from '../core/proto_utils/names'; import { DruidSpecs, DeathknightSpecs, PriestSpecs, RogueSpecs, SpecOptions, DruidSpecs, getTalentTreePoints, makeDefaultBlessings, raceToFaction, isTankSpec, makeDefa...
The day has arrived, like so many WoW expansion launch days over the past 18 years. I only joined WoW at Burning Crusade but that still means I’ve been here for WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA and Shadowlands. And of course, today’s launch of Dragonflight. Now, you’d th...
Bitter Contempt - (website) Disbanded - (website) Final Ascent - (website) FROM DOWNTOWN Gamon Ganker - (website) Horde Yakka - (website) The Ninth Legion RL on CD - (website) Spike Flail (website) Sponsored By WOTLK Vanguard - (website) ...
Breadcrumbs wotlk /proto / ui.protoTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 129 lines (106 loc) · 2.84 KB Raw syntax = "proto3"; package proto; option go_package = "./proto"; import "api.proto"; import "common.proto"; import "paladin.proto"; message SimSettings { int32 iterations...
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic simulations. - wotlk/proto/ui.proto at 629359557ff922994daac42592538706a97ea154 · wowsims/wotlk
rogue.proto shaman.proto test.proto ui.proto warlock.proto warrior.proto sim tools ui .eslintrc.js .gitignore Dockerfile LICENSE go.mod go.sum makefile package-lock.json package.json pre-commit tsconfig.json tsfmt.json vite.config.jsBreadcrumbs wotlk /proto / ui.proto Latest...