WOTLK personal GearScore calculator (GS) 进入论坛 复制WA字符串如何使用? 来源:Stray[原文链接] 分享到: 举报/投诉
GearScore maintains a database to store players' GearScore, allowing you to view other players' Gear even when they are not present. However, it occasionally utilizes between 5 to 10 MB usage of RAM. Download Gearscore GearscoreLite: Reborn - GearScore Lite Github - GearScore WotLKAddOns AtlasLo...
Tracks group and raid achievements for the WotLK and Cataclysm expansions. RaidComp by CommandoXXX, arthiceu. Scans the players in the raid and calculates which raid-buffs are present in the raid and which are not. RaidID by omegasnow. Tracks your Raid IDs across all characters on a realm...
tales of account hacks, or the news about GearScore, and I remember why I don’t play. I assume I’d also have to buy WotLK since Blizzard isn’t good about rolling up expansions
Saurfang lol'd wielding his blood stained beheader. It has become rumored that Deathwing has the highest health ever before seen. This is proven to be false by Saurfang, as no number larger than infinity has been seen. Crowley facts