SUPER SPELL DAMAGE: Dreamweave armor adds 1-35 damage to damaging spells. Rather than check that value each time a spell is cast they decided to save themselves some floating point calcs and only check it ONCE... that time being when the armor is first put on. So you put on a Dreamw...
WotLK Classic Guides Class GuidesProfession GuidesDungeon GuidesRaid GuidesReputation GuidesDPS Rankings/Tier ListTalent Calculator Cataclysm Classic Guides ReforgingProfession GuidesExploration & FarmingRace Class CombinationsTransmogrificationDPS Rankings/Tier ListTalent Calculator The War Within Guides Allied Races...
Farming (GOLD) Guides WoW Gold Making 101 - Five Ways to Make Gold in WoW Pros reveal their secrets to making gold Diremaul West Solo Farming (1000g/day) Easy Gold making trick for World of Warcraft Guide to winning the STV- Fishing Extravaganza Farming for Whipper Root Tubers and Night ...
You can pair two gathering professions together to give you the greatest farming potential, which will result in great gold generation for you. Alternatively, you can pick a gathering and a crafting skill to make yourself useful equipment or consumables! Either way, professions add another dynamic...
If you want to take advantage of First Aid, pick up the books Expert First Aid - Under Wraps, Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Mageweave Bandage and max it out. You’ll have to go to a trainer for Apprentice and Journeyman training, but after that and the manuals, all you ...
Drops: Mageweave/Greys/Greens Est G/H: not added (please suggest value) Deadwind Ogre's Description: East of Duskwood, lvl 55-60 mobs (ogres and undead). Usually not camped. Drops: Runecloth/Greys/Dramatically increased blue and epic chance ...
Vendor Farming is a kind of service. You're making things accessible to people in a hurry! Many people will happily shell out an extra gold or two rather than waste ten minutes of their time finding the proper vendor. Some aggressive people farm vendors on timers, and camp that vendor ...
Ghost Mushroom Farming Unique Items & Abilities Humbert’s Helm Iridescent Pearls Keg of Thunderbrew Deftkin Belt Mantle of Thieves Whirlwind Axe Dark Leather Shoulders Deviate Fish Exploration Hidden & Special Vendors Ironforge Airfield How to Get to Moonglade How to Get to Searing Gorge How to...
This is maybe useful in dungeons and even on some raid bosses like Vael and allows you farming DM East. Or you can use rank 1 Holy Nova to catch rogues. Or you can put the point in something else.Spirit of Redemption It only works when you die. If you are dying, you are doing ...
Joana's 1-60 WoW Leveling Guide Noob guide for World of Warcraft ALT uses for WoW Other Expansions: Burning Crusade Guides MoP Guides How to Get Netherwing Drake/Mount Guide WotLK Guides Death Knight Tanking Guide WotLK Achievements Guide