Imp Divine Spirit Build This build takes 23 points into Disc to get Imp Divine Spirit. If you are the only Priest in a raid I definatley think this is the way to go. Some of the points in the early Tiers of the Disc tree are interchangeable, but to me, the important ones are: 2...
WOTLK raiding disc priest Replies:16 Views: 16,838 Marticol 2008-07-12,02:51 AM Fan Art Contest - Editing a picture. Replies:13 Views: 5,237 DOWNS 2008-07-12,02:42 AM Server time question ? Replies:5 Views: 1,208 mmocf5e5a6d2c7 ...
< Despotism > formed on retail Greymane during WotLK, broke up at the end of WoD, and is resurrecting itself in WoW Classic under an experienced raid leader and officer core. We’ve been 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony since our first week of raiding and are currently recruiting in preparation for ...
‘casting’ state, which persists even after you have finished casting your spell, for a total of 5 seconds; during those 5 seconds your manaregen is effectively set to 20% of its total value; now, priests do not suffer from this as much as other castes due to Meditation (Disc), but...
Jesus, I can't imagine, which talents I chosen, when played priest :? Almost all of them are useless, compared to Cata talents. Yep. My priest was 33/18 in classic, I think that was a popular choice, because deeper disc talents did something, unlike deep holy talents I guess Reply...
5 Hunter 4 / 3 Elemental Shaman 1 / 1 Resto Shaman 3 / 4 Druid’s Resto 2 /3 Priest Holy/Disc 5 / 4 Raid 2 Comp Have/Need Prot warriors 3 / 3 Melee warriors 2 / 5 Rogue 4 / 6 Mages 4 / 6 Priest - Shadow 1 / 1 Warlocks 3 / 5 Hunter 2 / 3 Shaman 2 / 4 Dr… ...
Played vanilla through WotLK then went pretty casual. I have been playing on pservers last few years. Raided mythic in WoD. Looking to join a semi-hardcore PvE server guild, Horde or Ally doesn’t really matter. I’ll be …