An acceptable DPS spec, with good single-target and AoE damage, but poor survivability. They can summon a felguard or a doomguard to assist them in combat, as well as use Metamorphosis to increase their damage output. 14 - Assassination Rogue (B Tier) A passable DPS spec, with good sing...
RogueSpecs, SpecOptions, } from '../core/proto_utils/utils'; import { MAX_NUM_PARTIES } from '../core/raid'; import { RaidSimPreset } from '../core/individual_sim_ui'; import { Player } from '../core/player'; import { Encounter } from '../core/encounter'; import { EventID...
LightRotations allows you to easily create 'class profiles' aka 'combat rotations' for a given class or spec, these combat rotations can then be used to assist you during your gameplay. Example Use The UI prompts which spells to cast in the UI as well as highlight the spells in your ...
For leveling subtlety and combat are great. The majority of guides say combat combat combat and put almost no points in subtlety. For leveling the 5 in master of deception and 5 in Camo are great for solo play as a rogue. You can check out a fight beforehand with little probability of ...
hunters were fun and i loved druids and shadow priest spec in tbc. good grief tbc was great. only things i will say about wotlk is - human every man for himself was prime time awesome, and night elf shadowmeld during combat made night elf healers the best. otherwise, wotlk was ...
and will improve your hit if you are a main-handing combat rogue, contributing significantly to DPS. a really nice ability that lasts for 20 seconds (!) providing extra detection vs other rogues and druids. contributes a little bit towards health regen - an important stat for reducing dow...
With pet talent trees, introduced in WotLK, tanking even level 80 instances is possible. With 4 hunters and one healer, killing Coren Direbrew was not so hard. However using pets as a tanks in "real" bosses is not recommended as they don't have such large health pools or avoidance stats...
Combat Mastery: Main Gauchehas increased in effectiveness by 10%. Killing Spreenow only grants immunity to root and snare effects and the effect is now cancelled if the Rogue is affected by other crowd-control effects. Subtlety Mastery: Executionerhas decreased in effectiveness by 8%. ...
Blizzard realized that elementalist spec was a cool idea but wasn’t viable. Eventually they took steps to try to make them viable in WOTLK by giving mages Frostfire Bolt - a spell that counted as both a frost and a fire spell and benefited from the passive talents in both talent trees....
Being evil does imply that you cant save the world because every single necromancer in existance wants to destroy, deathknights are a class because of WotlK popularity and in the story there are thousands of them so it would be pointless not to make use of a powerful soldier. Necromancy is...