which introduces the Icecrown Citadel raid and the legendary weapon Shadowmourne. With new content and gear, the DPS rankings of different classes and specs may change significantly. In this article, we will present the Wotlk Classic Phase 4 DPS Tier List based on data from various sources...
trinitycore wotlk world of war... + 7 more 1 0 1 0 Updated 6 months ago View wgt project W WoW Guild Tools / wgt Successor of WAT and Wowprogress golang wow warcraft + 5 more 2 0 5 Updated 1 year ago View AuctionLite-classic project Albirew / AuctionLite-classic Unoffi...
Classic: Vanilla TBC: Vanilla with caramel topping (making the best icecream flavour even better) TBC v2: Vanilla icecream mixed with coke (yeah, it's that good!) WotLK: Chocolate (You get sick of it in like 2-3 bites and only keeps on eating because ...
and how in-game experiences are designed to be interacted with by players. In classic, I’m mostly interested in arena, part out of nostalgia and part out of the fact that even after 14 years of playing with the same arena partners, it’s still strikes a chord that no other game does...