Combine it with the egg to create the Filled Egg of Hakkar. Go back to Yeh’kinya in Tanaris to finish the quest and complete attunement! Blackrock Depths – Shadowforge Key The giant behemoth of a dungeon known as Blackrock Depths doesn’t require attunement for entry, but is involved in...
Can we please get a WOTLK melee hunter update? Big fan, raptor striking for like 2 years now 1 Reply aeh 5 years ago Wow!This guide is amazing, not a Mainchar for me, but maybe a twink :p?Thank you much for that! 0 Reply Selexin 5 years ago Neretzek, The Blood Drin...
2010 whenCataclysmlaunched.WotLKarrived as the peak of the classic era and ushered in over the two years of its run things that changed the game nearly as much as the next expansion did. The Dungeon Finder no doubt leaps to mind, which made the dungeon running experience a very different ...
You'll need 12 Giant Eggs, 10 zesty Clam Meat and 20 Alterac Swiss. The Alterac Swiss is the easiest to get, just goto the Inn in Thunderbluff and buy them from the Innkepper . Get the eggs from the Owlbeasts in The Hinterlands (the drop rate is way better than the Rocs in Tanar...
Giant Egg Sold by theseVendors. 250-285 Juicy Bear Burger Bear Flank Taught by theseTrainers. 285-300 Smoked Desert Dumplings Sandworm Meat You’ll need to complete the second part of the quest chainDesert Recipe, it starts fromCalandrathin Cenarion Hold, Silithus. ...
WotLK 5-man instance module for BossTactics. BossTalk by Bigbur, MysticalOS. Plays famous Boss quotations. BottomlessBag by rubio9. Scans your inventory when looting, and drops the lowest valued item to make room for your loot. bProflink by Bruners. Links your profession link to the guild...
by sorontur. WotLK 5-man instance module for BossTactics. BossTalk by Bigbur, MysticalOS. Plays famous Boss quotations. BottomlessBag by rubio9. Scans your inventory when looting, and drops the lowest valued item to make room for your loot. ...