Clipping– the act of casting a spell before the cast has completed for the previous one (using lag to your advantage), it reduces the time between casts dramatically. CoS– Culling of Stratholme, a level 80 instance in Caverns of Time, Tanaris, requiring WotLK to enter Conquest Points– ...
WotLK Classic. Expected, but nevertheless still hit me in the feels. Everyone has a WoW entry point they feel nostalgic for, and for me it is WotLK… despite my actually starting to play in Burning Crusade. Epic scope, epic music, ground-breaking raiding (in 10m flavors!), and some grea...
Joke specs suddenly are much more realistic options even the boomkin. Though the biggest change is going to be that you bring 5 shaman to raids for the most part. Heroism and bloodlust are for group only and will be rotated in and out of the top dps groups. Mages, while good are not...
If the boomkin could equip this item, it would be used to validate playing a boomkin. If the shadowpriest could wield this item, they would use it to add a value argument to their spec. Unfortunately for many would-be meme specs, there can be only one nightfall wielding player in the...
In WotLK, Armor Pen was changed to be percentage based, and functioned differently as far as calculations go, such that you could remove over 100% of the damage reduction that armor was giving. If armor was giving you 25% damage reduction, 200% ArP would give you 25% bonus damage. Frep...