保存BOSS/副本设置,或者从齿轮按钮重置设置.重置设置不会丢失你已经保存的设置. 天赋(Talents)和输出循环(Rotation) 天赋和输出循环 1) 天赋(Talents)界面没有什么特别的,你可以保存多套天赋进行对比,这里不多复述了 2) 循环配置类型(Rotation Type): 提供了默认输出循环(Legacy)和自定义循环(APL),这里默认选择前者...
Druid Talents Hunter Talents Mage Talents Paladin Talents Priest Talents Rogue Talents Shaman Talents Warlock Talents Warrior Talents Best in Slot Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS Balance DPS BiS Hunter BiS Mage BiS Paladin BiS Holy BiS Retribution DPS BiS Prot Tanking ...
RPGStash will take you to understand the advantages and disadvantages of mages, Talent paths and training capabilities, Gearing, Professions, and Class Quests & Rewards, so that you can have a comprehensive understanding of mages, and know more about the goals of leveling up, earning WotLK Gold,...
MD– Misdirect, a hunter ability that redirects their threat to the affected target, usually a tank. May also refer to similar abilities used by other classes. Melee– attacking mobs using melee attacks, also used to describe all up-close combatants (Rogues, Warriors, Paladins, Feral Druids,...
Nah, even an extra 20% crit and 800 AP wouldn’t bring them up to the DPS of a BM Hunter. The problem is they’re just really weak. Maully: The problem with Barkskin is: (1) if you’re MT it not a good idea to lose 25% of your threat on the pull. Yeah, that’s true,...
There is a lot of flexibility in the Survival Tree, being that there is no set cookie-cutter build. However there are some core talents that you must take. They are inthis talent build. You will notice that there are 6 points to spare, and you will have to decide for yourself based ...
I didn’t start playing WoW until WotLK so I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be looking for as we start rolling through the good old new old days. Played primarily as Survival, some Beast, never MM, so what’s the best gear…
Hunter Builds Hunter Abilities & Talents Beast Mastery Hunter Melee DPS Marksmanship Hunter DPS Survival Hunter Melee DPS Survival Hunter Ranged DPS Mage Builds Mage Abilities & Talents Arcane Mage Healer Frost Mage DPS Fire Mage DPS Paladin Builds Paladin Abilities & Talents Paladin Healer Prot...