It’s time once again to honor the elders and set off some fireworks to celebrate the Lunar Festival in World of Warcraft. This annual holiday event will be around through February… Undermine Zone Preview: Requirements, Locations, & Cartels ...
void BigWigs:ModuleDeclaration(bossName, zoneName) void BigWigs:RegisterModule(name, module) void BigWigs:EnableModule(moduleName, nosync) void BigWigs:SetupModule(moduleName) void BigWigs:DisableModule(moduleName) -- event handler void BigWigs:BigWigs_RebootModule(moduleName) ...
Prevents the world map from blocking user movement and input when map is visible. Makes the map slightly transparent when the player is moving, to easier spot mobs and hostile players. Shows player- and mouse cursor coordinates. Shows zone quest levels. Shows zone factions. Allows mouse wheel ...
GetMouseButtonClicked() - Returns the name of the button that triggered a mouse down/up/click/doubleclick event. (added 2.0.3) GetMultiCastBarOffset() - Returns the page offset of the multicast action IDs (added 3.2) GetPossessInfo(index) - Returns texture, name, enabled. HasAction(slot) ...
but the decision itself might be actually a good one because a 24-hour long battleground is an overkill, to say the least. Who knows, maybe we will see the unnerfed version as a part of an event, or maybe developers will listen to the Community and release the 1.1 version at the star...
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WIM/WIM.lua"]:372: CoreEventHandler() [string "@Interface/AddOns/WIM/WIM.lua"]:59: Interface/AddOns/WIM/WIM.lua:59 Locals: AddOns: Swatter, v4.4.7010 (SwimmingSeadragon) WowheadLooter, v11505 ACP, v3.5.14 ...
EventHorizon by eventhorizon, taroven. Displays timer bars for you most important abilities' target debuffs (including DoT ticks), cooldowns, and player buffs. EventNotifier by yuluns, KaylinBDF. Plays a raid warning sound when certain events occur, such as ready checks, group invites, summon...
Utility: Brings Horn of Winter and Anti-Magic Zone Verdict: Very viable Unholy DKs are a powerhouse in single-target DPS and bring valuable buffs such as Horn of Winter. They also deliver sustained AoE cleave once their diseases and Death and Decay are rolling. Given their consisten...
” Sure, let me just ride around this entire zone with only three flightpaths unlocked while trying to complete the same World Quests I’ll be grinding at endgame for the next two years. Oh, and they give 12k XP, same as each of the dozen story quests you could do in the same ...
GetNumMapOverlays() - Returns the number of overlays on the current world map. GetPlayerMapPosition("unit") - Returns the position of a unit on the current world map. GetWorldLocMapPosition() ProcessMapClick(x,y) - Passes a click to the client, which then calculates if the zone has ...