英文名:White Bandit Mask复制 中文代码英文代码吃瓜台代码提交G团成交价 白色强盗面罩ID: 10008 White Bandit Mask 物品等级 43 装备绑定 头部布甲 46 盔甲 +11 敏捷 +11 力量 耐久度 45 / 45 需要等级 38 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 相关联的信息 ...
英文名:Pattern: White Bandit Mask复制 图样:白色强盗面罩 ID: 12137 Pattern: White Bandit Mask 100 码 3秒 施法 教你学会制作白色强盗面罩。 技能详细信息 持续时间n/a 技能类型物理 技能机制n/a 驱散类型n/a 技能消耗None 范围距离100 码(视野范围) ...
215 [White Bandit Mask] 1x [Bolt of Mageweave] 1x [Bleach] 1x [Heavy Silken Thread] [Pattern: White Bandit Mask], Drop 215 [Orange Mageweave Shirt] 1x [Bolt of Mageweave] 1x [Orange Dye] 1x [Heavy Silken Thread] Trainer 215 [Black Mageweave Gloves] 2x [Bolt of Mageweave]...
Gold-making potential/advantages of the profession in the early days of Classic Servers -The ability to craft Bags and level-appropriate Gear is very appealing, especially to Cloth-Wearing Classes that don't require First Aid (as the First Aid competes with Tailoring for Cloths). Bags will be...
White Bandit Mask Factions: Source: World Drop Tailoring Recipe available from level 215 Tailoring. Level Required: 38. Item Bonuses: +11 Agility, +11 Strenght. Item Type: Cloth Helmet. This is a very straight forward Item. It provides a bunch of offensive Stats that are great for leveling...
Blow Up (with Orange Bandit & WLDHRT) [With Oohs & Ahhs] - Instrumental S.O. Alternative, Hip Hop Download License Got It Like That - Instrumental Dazy Chain Hip Hop, Pop Download License Legend - Instrumental Tyrone Briggs Alternative, Hip Hop Download License Work It - Instrumental Stella...
Providing 1 AP per point of Strength, the highest value Strength item for cloth in the game is +11 from the White Bandit Mask. Strength based cloth random suffix gear is unavailable at 60, making it hard to gear for. The maximum amount of strength available to a Warlock in Vanilla withou...
英文:White Bandit Mask 裁缝(215) 215220225230 中文:白色皮夹克 英文:White Leather Jerkin 8 2 制皮(60) 6090105120 中文:体面的白衬衣 英文:Formal White Shirt 3 2 裁缝(170) 170180185190 中文:白色亚麻衬衣 英文:White Linen Shirt 裁缝(1)
中文:白色强盗面罩英文:White Bandit Mask 43 38 头 白色强盗面罩 裁缝 布甲 中文:骨链斗篷英文:Bonelink Cape 43 38 后背 农夫雷恩 斗篷 中文:远古披风英文:Ancient Cloak 41 36 后背 农夫雷恩 斗篷 中文:交织披风英文:Interlaced Cloak 36 31 后背 掉落 斗篷 中文:石布斗篷英文:Stonecloth Cape 33 28 后背...
可分解 (125) 样子展示 屏幕截图 (6) WowheadWowhead 链接链接 3D查看3D查看 比较比较 查找升级…查找升级… 英文名:White Bandit Mask复制 中文代码英文代码 白色强盗面罩ID: 10008 装备后绑定 头部布甲 46点护甲 +11 智力 耐久度 45 / 45 需要等级 38 ...