等级:1 图标:inv_shirt_guildtabard_01 花费:1 无法分解 样子展示 屏幕截图 (5) WowheadWowhead 链接链接 3D查看3D查看 比较比较 查找升级…查找升级… 英文名:Guild Tabard复制 中文代码英文代码 公会徽章ID: 5976 战袍 物品等级1 卖价:25 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com ...
CloseGuildRoster() - ?. CloseTabardCreation() DeclineGuild() - ?. GetGuildCharterCost() - Returns the cost of purchasing a guild charter. GetGuildInfo("unit") - This function returns the name of the guild unit belongs to. GetGuildInfoText() - Returns the persistant Guild Information data...
英文:Create Battle Tabard of the Defilers 中文:Create Blood Knight Tabard 英文:Create Blood Knight Tabard 中文:Create Tabard of the Argent Dawn 英文:Create Tabard of the Argent Dawn 中文:Create Tabard of the Protector 英文:Create Tabard of the Protector ...
IsFlyableArea() - Returns 1 if it is possible to fly here, nil otherwise. IsIndoors() - Returns 1 if you are indoors, otherwise nil. Returns nil for indoor areas where you can still mount. IsMounted() - Returns 1 if mounted, otherwise nil IsOutdoors() - Returns 1 if you are outdoo...
Wearing the tabard allows you to gain reputation by championing in any dungeons which are near your level (the exception is Burning Crusade dungeons, where you will gain Burning Crusade reputations instead). At level 77 and above, characters can also gain reputation with their faction's races ...
CloseTabardCreation Ends interaction with the guild tabard creator CloseTaxiMap Ends interaction with the Taxi (flight master) UI CloseTrade Ends interaction with the Trade UI, canceling any trade in progress CloseTradeSkill Ends interaction with the Trade Skill UI CloseTrainer Ends interaction with ...
by Bruners. Links your profession link to the guild chat or whisper if someone uses one of the triggers that are bound to the different profession. BreadCrumbs by Zasurus. Leaves a short trail behind you on your minimap so you know where you have been. ...
The Renowned Guild Tabard and Illustrious Guild Tabard should no longer sometimes appear as a standard Guild Tabard. Many items that grant companion pets have been adjusted in rarity, to better match the rarity of the resultant pet. The quality of pets was not changed. Fixed a bug that was ...
R Timeless Waters|ACTIVE|32976|M|69,7|N|Take your water stider or raft onto the waters till you get here. You should now be able to fly straight up as far as you dare on your flying mount and then go towards the lake, where the arrow points. You will be dismounted, and then use...
s tedious vehicle mechanic. A few of the bosses also had unusual “hard modes” like OS where you could trigger a different, much much harder fight. We attempted these a number of times but our guild only really managed hard modes on Flame Leviathan and XT-002. The hard modes dropped ...