Here’s a macro that is a bit easier to use, instead of having to change out the name of the weapon/shield every time, you simply drag and drop them on your bars. Then hit this macro to swap between. In this example, my Shield is MultiBarLeftButton11, 1 hander is 10, and 2 han...
Weapon Swap Macro /startattack /equip Tomahawk /equip Worn Large Shield /equip Large Axe This macro allows you to swap between a defensive one-hand plus shield combination and an offensive two-hander weapon on each keypress. This is very useful to save time when swapping between styles in PvP...
Shield bash macro goes like this #showtooltipShield Bash /cast Shield Bash /equip Weapon /equip Shield This used to function perfectly on old servers i played on. It would swap to my weapon and shield and i’d be able to spam it and shield bash. But now if i press it more than once...
The advantages to tanking with a shield include not having to weapon swap to interrupt with Shield Bash, or block an attack with Shield Block, as well as taking less physical damage, and gaining the stats from your shield & 1hander (obviously). Advantages to 2handed tanking include higher d...
WeaponSwingTimer WeaponSwingTimercreates a bar on your screen that tracks the time left until your next auto-attack and that of your target. Because swing timers can vary immensely depending on your weapon's speed and that of your target, it is often advantageous to run in, get a hit, an...
★ WoW Macro Tutorial - Part 1 How to Make Your Own-0 Part 1 How to Make Your Own ★ WoW - Macro Tutorial - Part 2 How to Make Advanced Macros Part 2 How to Make Advanced Macros This article or section needs to be cleaned up to a higher standard of quality. ...
Now weapons typically are more an issue leveling and less an issue in end game as Ret paladins will always use 2h while warriors while leveling will use 2h, then transition to dw, though most will grab a 2h weapon for PvP,. Ultimately level up what you want, however for end game ...
AutomaticWeaponRemoval This addon remove (swap) your weapons automatically if you are melee and get mind controlled by a variety of bosses, like Lady Deathwhisper, and a lot more, like removing Paladin's RF buff if you are not a tank. Configs are done via interface or slash commands like...
1.1 Re-Creating Old Macros 1.2 Example Macro 2 Useful Macros 2.1 Switch language 2.2 Cycle language 3 Swapping Talents, Equipment and Stances 3.1 Swap Current Dual-Spec Talent 3.2 Swap Talents, Equipment, and Stance 3.3 Offhand weapon switching 4 Suppressing Sound and Error Messages 4.1 ...
/fury - uses Fury /fury block - Enter Defensive Stance and do Shield Block /fury charge - uses Intercept or Charge sequence /fury shoot - fires ranged weapon /fury aoe - enables cleave and whirlwind, disables overpower, bloodhtirst, Heroic Strike (Switched off when fewer than 2 enemies) ...