Desolace: Once a barren wasteland, the Cataclysm has caused a rift to form, allowing water to flood in from the coast and bring life back to the region. However, the region is now being invaded by demons, including shivarra. New flight paths: Thargad's Camp (Alliance); Furien's Post...
The naaru and their forces retaliated by unleashing the Light's full wrath on Revendreth, setting the nathrezim's ward ablaze and turning it into a scorched wasteland known thereafter as the Ember Ward. The Maldraxxi didn't rise up to defend Revendreth, so the Stonewright, Harvester of ...
Amidst their quest, the group ran into Jaina Proudmoore and Mathias Shaw, who had also come to rescue Baine at Anduin Wrynn's request and after a brief moment, agreed to work together to save Baine. When things started getting heated between Saurfang and Shaw, Jaina and Thrall were quick ...
C Bounty: Twisted Ancient|QID|33111|N|Kill and loot the Twisted Ancient for the Corrupted Lumber. This is flagged as a 3-party group quest.|RANK|2|M|26.15,17.50|Z|Shadowmoon Valley@Draenor| R Watcher’s Den|ACTIVE|33062|N|Head down the road to the Watcher’s Den.|M|25.44,19.30;22.8...
Set to a Mad-Max-stye backdrop of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, there’s an emphasis on deep customization, skillful driving, and aiming. Crossout contains a variety of co-op and competitive game modes, as well as a marketplace full of tradable goods. The sheer number of Crossout ...
Primals are various plant-like beings inhabiting Draenor, whose dominion is life and who intend to transform the entire planet into a lush landscape. They are locked in an eternal war with the Breakers, who seek to transform the entirety of Draenor into a barren wasteland. New creatures...
Muradin Bronzebeard: Well, lad, there's an ancient way gate that lies somewhere in this glacier wasteland. Supposedly, it transports you to a hidden vault where a runeblade named Frostmourne is held. Muradin Bronzebeard: We came here to recover Frostmourne, but the closer we came to finding...
Amidst their quest, the group ran into Jaina Proudmoore and Mathias Shaw, who had also come to rescue Baine at Anduin Wrynn's request and after a brief moment agreed to work together to save Baine. When things started getting heated between Saurfang and Shaw, Jaina and Thrall were quick to...
To open up the flight path at Nesingwary Base Camp, there is a 2-part quest chain from Weslex Quickwrench that you have to complete first. Given Blizzard's fondness for pop-culture references, Sholazar may be a nod to the Savage Land of Marvel Comics. Both are tropical paradises formed...