Shaman Macros Warlock Macros Warrior Macros World of Warcraft macrosallow you to perform a combination of multiple actions by clicking a single action button and/or by using a key binding. World of Warcraft allows up to 18 general macros and 18 character-specific macros, for a total 36 availab...
Warrior Macros: --- Intercept/Charge: It either charges/intercepts, or puts you into the correct stance. /cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept Generic Stance Macro: Replace <* Stance Ability...
Classic Macros Guides 1Druid Macro Guide2Hunter Macro Guide3Mage Macro Guide4Paladin Macro Guide5Rogue Macro Guide6Shaman Macro Guide7Warlock Macro Guide8Warrior Macro Guide Classic Dungeon Guides Raids and Dungeons Guide Blackrock Depths Upper City Quests Guide ...
Understand that most current macros will be obsolete in 2.0. Just about anything using CastSpellByName() or TargetUnit() will be non-functional in combat. In addition, most ?dumb logic? macros will not work either. However, you can now replicate the functionality of many popular macros with ...
Classic Macros Guides 1Druid Macro Guide2Hunter Macro Guide3Mage Macro Guide4Paladin Macro Guide5Rogue Macro Guide6Shaman Macro Guide7Warlock Macro Guide8Warrior Macro Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. Foreword 2. Classic Warlock Macro Templates ... WOW的宏函数库可以去这两个地方查: 相信很多人都知道WOW中的斜杠/和表情命令.宏可以将这些命令按照自己对条件的设置串联起来,比如:/Kneel是让你...
WoW Vanilla Macros Most macros requireSuperMacroaddon, it adds some extra functions and allows writing more than 255 character macros. If a macro isn't working, double check that you copied it correctly and got all prerequisites. If all looks well, open an issue, try to write as much defai...
From: Graguk's Warlock Macros当且仅当敌对目标的生命值高于30%时,点这个宏将触发短暂/赞达拉护符(取决于你把哪个带在第1个饰品位)。施放火球术(12)---/script local a=GetInventorySlotInfo("Trinket1Slot");local b,c=GetInventoryItemCooldown("player",a);if c <= 0 and(UnitHealth("target") > ...
做了一点研究,也到游戏里试了试。dk的灵气,不被认为是一个姿态,所以判断姿态使用技能是没有办法的。暴雪对姿态(stance)的定义是:A stance is a position that a character can occupy that enables or disables certain abilities. Stances most commonly refer to warrior stances. In macros and...
3. Classic Hunter Addons Macros are very important in making your character play as smoothly as possible, but so do addons, for which reason we recommend that you also read our Hunter Addons page. Hunter Addons Guide 4. Changelog