The War Within changed the way Warrior’s Rage resource worked, and for the better too. Arms and Fury Warrior has a great selection of AoE and single-target damage skills that can be used on demand and can even utilize their buffed Execute skill for some potent boss DPS numbers. While W...
A powerful DPS spec, with high burst damage, good AoE, and great utility. They can provide various buffs and auras to their raid, as well as healing and cleansing. They can also benefit from the armor penetration buff in ICC and can use Divine Storm to cleave multiple targets. 7 - Mark...
In short, DPS variance percentage looks at all parses and tells us how much DPS loss is possible if you’re doing your rotation poorly. For example, if you’re only parsing 12 on your Enhancement Shaman, you’ll lose more damage than Fury Warrior who has the same parsing score as you...
以下是WOW游戏中常见的简写及其意思:DPS:伤害输出(Damage Per Second),指玩家角色在战斗中对敌人造成的伤害数量。CC:控场(Crowd Control),指玩家角色通过技能或道具使敌人失去行动能力,例如昏迷、定身等状态。CD:冷却时间(Cooldown),指技能或道具需要等待一定时间才能再次使用的时间。OOM:无力施法(Out of Mana),指...
【魔兽世界8.3】狂暴战野外PVP爆炸伤害,1 v N(300% Increased Damage - Fury Warrior) 12:11 【魔兽世界8.3】125码狙击射击,射击猎野外PVP(125 YARD Sniper Shots! | Marksmanship Hunter) 15:17 【魔兽世界8.3】射击猎野外PVP,有压力的一天(Stressful day in the Field) 12:56 【魔兽世界8.3】射击猎野...
Mage DPS Season of Mastery Pre-Raid Gear PvP Honor Epic Mage Sets More Season of Discovery Class Guides Survival Hunter Ranged DPS Introduction Demonology Warlock DPS Introduction Arms Warrior DPS Introduction Combat Rogue Tank Introduction SUPPORT OUR WRITERS...
9. Basics of Fury Warrior Gameplay Fury Warriors is a fast-paced spec with little to no downtime, making it very active and engaging. As nearly every active ability generates Rage, the gameplay revolves around using those abilities to build Rage in order to use Rampage, converting that Rage...
Bringing 3-4 of a dps spec in a 25 man is very different than bringing 16-17 dps warriors in a 40 man. Nobody is saying anything about perfect balance, but there is a lot of wiggle room between era warrior “balance” and…the rest of the game lol. Throwing in the towel and sayi...
Warrior 499.44 Mage Fire 470.4 Rogue 466.14 Shaman Elemental 383.73 Warlock 369.24 Hunter 357.54 Druid Feral 354.95 Priest 352.01 Mage Frost 329.54 Shaman Enhancement 291.7 Druid Balance 282.2 Paladin 254.88 Zul’Gurub DPS Rankings Class Spec DPS Warrior 571.22 Rogue 552.36 Hunter 458.6 Mage 419.52 Warlo...
Dragon Soul raid, where they can compete with Arms Warriors. However, until then, Arms is simply superior. Hence, Fury Warriors are rated 'below average,' but it's worth noting that there are no 'bad' classes per se. A skilled Fury Warrior can still outperform an average Arms...