local f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event) local _, subevent, _, sourceGUID, _, _, _, _, destName = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() local spellId, amount, critical if subevent == "SWING_DAMAGE" then ...
by Shestak. A modular, lightweight, all-in-one overhaul for the World of Warcraft interface. Shieldmonitor by frenchie. Shows precisely how much more damage a shield can sustain before it fails. ShieldySound by Protonium. Plays one of 3 sounds whenever lightning shield, water shield, or eart...
Why do Shamans predominantly appear in “Blue logs” on WorldofWarcraftLogs? Utilizing restoration shaman damage rotations without compromising HPS. Crafting a comfortable build for optimal performance. The rationale behind maintaining a repertoire of at least two distinct builds for a raid. Coping with...
Windfury Weapon: A bug with this spell was making off-hand procs receive less bonus damage than intended. It is now fixed.WarlocksAftermath: The delay on the daze effect has been reduced. Amplify Curse: This ability is now consumed correctly by a Curse of Doom casting. Conflagrate: The ...
Windfury Totem and the party/raid component of Improved Icy Talons still do not stack. [Improved Icy Talons]: This effect is now passive instead of being a proc. The self haste buff remains unchanged. [Nerves of Cold Steel]: Now increases off-hand damage by 8/16/25%, up from 5/10/...
Authenticator Frame: If a player has a Battle.net Authenticator attached to his or her account and selects Remember Account Name at the login screen, the next time that player logs into World of Warcraft, a field to input the Authenticator code will be displayed below the password field. ...