unfortunately might be a while for them to fix the pathfinding issue seeing as vengeance demonhunters still have this problem for infernal strike. its been 3 expansions with no fix. Cheegee 27 posts 70 Mechagnome Warrior 21095 Anthyrsia Feb 2023 I also find that sometimes I need to move to...
Developers’ note: Vengeance Demon Hunter and Guardian Druid have fallen behind in damage, particularly in single target. Our intent with these changes is to improve their performance in single-target without unduly impacting AOE environments. Demon Hunter Vengeance [With realm restarts] All damage an...
I joined in February 2022 and play Vengeance Demon Hunter in WoW around seasonal mythic+ title cut off. I'm a self-taught software engineer, only really because of WoW introducing Artifact Power back in Legion, which made me curious. Xepheris, Software Engineer What is the biggest challenge ...
Blood Death Knight MoP Remix GuideFrost Death Knight MoP Remix GuideUnholy Death Knight MoP Remix GuideHavoc Demon Hunter MoP Remix GuideVengeance Demon Hunter MoP Remix GuideBalance Druid MoP Remix GuideFeral Druid MoP Remix GuideGuardian Druid MoP Remix GuideRestoration Druid MoP Remix GuideAugmentati...
[10-45] Vengeance Will Be Ours [10-45] Eternal Vigil [10-45] Securing the Way [10-45] Return to Mardum [10-45] Unbridled Power [10-45] Spoils of Victory [10-45] The Hunter's Gaze [10-45] Time is of the Essence [10-45] Direct Our Wrath [10-45] Return to the Fel Hammer...
Paladin "Seal of Vengeance" Paladin "Blessing of Might" Paladin "Blessing of Protection" Paladin "Blessing of Wisdom" Paladin "Blessing of Kings" Paladin "Blessing of Salvation" Paladin "Blessing of Sanctuary" Paladin "Blessing of Light" Paladin "Righteous Fury" Paladin "Divine Protection" Paladin...
{ type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Abomination Limb -- Demon Hunter [179057] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Chaos Nova [187827] = { type = BUFF_DEFENSIVE }, -- Metamorphosis - Vengeance [162264] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Metamorphosis - Havoc [188501] = { type ...
Frustrated over his failure to fully restore Terokk, the Curse of Sethe, and his ever-growing thirst for vengeance, Iskar gladly accepted Gul'dan's offer and became the first of the fel arakkoa. He later persuaded more cursed arakkoa to accept Gul'dan's offer and they swore fealty to ...
Hotfixes May 7, 2024 Classes Demon Hunter Vengeance Sigil of Silence duration reduced to 4 seconds (was 5 seconds). Sigil of Silence cooldown increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds). Cycle of Binding now reduces Si…
Fixed proc of Righteous Vengeance with Judgements Fixed Guarded by the Light proc with Judgements Fixed Winter's Chill proccing in full absorb -- DB/Misc --- Ragefire Chasm - Formation and Waypoint Rework Icecrown Citadel entrance spawns and event ...