their capabilities are much closer to those of their Unholy counterparts. They match Unholy in DPS and offer superior utility, such as excellent kiting tools and AoE stun abilities. As such, Frost DKs are upgraded to 'very viable.'
But what happens when people get ulduar gear and hits PvP arenas whit more DPS than ever and still resilience in 800 reduses so little crit (im not sure but its something like 10%) and Stamina is so low in several classies that combos like Pally healer Arms warrior and Unholy DK will...
Stats: Stats don’t matter. There’s no “needed” amount to any stat. In 95%+ of cases, just go with the highest item level. You should never need to worry about particular stat percentages for any stat, as any Hunter spec. Nor should you use other people’s stat “weights” or ...
. and of course replace the main nuke with fireball. use cone of cold to slow them down since fire has no slowing effect. throw blast wave in there when he gets to close. Keep in mind the range on blast wave and frost nova. You can do both without the dk getting in range so ...
Don’t think because you’re inviting the Unholy DK over the Enhancement shaman that you’re going to have an easier time. If you’re doing a +10-+15 or doing any raiding (since people have started to outgear the raids), you can bring whatever. I can’t speak for PvP, though I ...
These are talents i often see DK’s taking that are useless Bloodworms often new tanks will put points in here even though this is a pvp talent. Currently this is bugged so the worms dont heal you . But even if it did work properly they heal for such a small amount as to make it...
They all came out of nowhere lightning fast, but Saurfang cleaved them with his badass axe. It was the bloodiest battle that the world ever saw, with Nozdormu staring in total awe. The battle raged on for a century, Many lesser claimed, but eventually, ...
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Guys, Frost and Unholy DK are already dominating boss dps and you give them another 4% boost? Feral is fine too. If anything these classes just need some aoe/cleave buffs. 2 Replies Panivovk <Knaipa Variativ> 9 posts 70 Worgen Mage 32555 Jan 24 " * Defeating Toe Knee too quickly...