.npcbot command follow (机器人向你靠拢) .npcbot command stay (机器人和你保持距离) .npcbot remove (解散单个机器人) .npcbot remove all (解散所有机器人) .npcbot reset (刷新机器人) .npcbot info (机器人信息) .npcbot revive (复活机器人) .mt (指定MT,最好给骑士打这个个命令)回复...
1、技能命令 /cast释放一个或多个技能,可以加入一些条件判断,是最常用的命令。/castsequence依次释放释放数个技能,同样可以加入一些条件判断,常见于所谓的"无脑宏"。/use使用一个物品,可以直接用物品名称也可以用物品栏位置。2、动作命令 /cancelform取消变形 /cancelaura取消状态或增益 /startattac...
The UI has the following components: Screenshot Note: Due the high resource usage of the component, it does not updated all the time, only when a given Core component requires it. Player Summary Show the player state. A hyper link to wowhead appears for the mob you are fighting so you ...
New Command: /castsequence --- There?s a new command in WoW 2.0, called /castsequence. It allows you to set up a series of spells to cast one after another, on each subsequent click of the macro. The format is: /castsequence [] reset=<#>/target/combat,, "Huh? Say what?" It set...
→ UI Tech. Details For Classic cvars, see Console variables/Classic. The World of Warcraft game client stores all of its configurations in console variables (CVars). These variables affect many aspects of the game such as the graphics, the sound system and the interface. The value of a ...
GetBindingKey("command") - Get the key(s) bound to that action. UI GetBindingText("key", "prefix", returnAbbr) - Gets the string value for the key. GetCurrentBindingSet() - Queries if current set of key bindings is character or account specific GetNumBindings() - Get total number ...
最近,Slouken(Blizzard UI开发者)宣布了一个令人激动的宏的新特性,一系列条件选项将可以被应用于以下斜杠命令:/cast,/use,/target,/focus,/assist,/stopmacro,/cancelaura,/userandom,/castrandom,以及/castsequence。这个帖子的目的就在于讲解如何应用它们。 注:虽然多数例子都使用了"/cast",但事实上这些条件选项...
/command命令 /s聊天:普通说话 /p聊天:小队说话 /tBOTNAME聊天:密语BOTNAME /wBOTNAME聊天:密语BOT...
On a platform like macOS it would be typical to write a Cocoa UI application that responds to events. The Official WowWee iOS SDK is an example of a framework that works in such an environment. This CHiP C API attempts to hide that event driven behavior from the developer. It accomplish...
function BattleInfo_Reset() BattleInfoParent:ClearAllPoints() BattleInfoParent:SetPoint("TOP", "UIParent", "TOP",-5,-15) WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame:ClearAllPoints() WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BattleInfoParent","TOPLEFT",0,0) ...