推荐插件:ElvUI和CurseForge 一、ElvUI插件介绍 ElvUI是一款高度可定制的魔兽世界用户界面插件,它能够帮助玩家大幅度地改善游戏界面的布局和风格。该插件提供了丰富的配置选项,从按键绑定到技能冷却显示,几乎可以定制界面上的每一个元素。其强大的主题定制功能,可以让玩家根据个人喜好创建个性化的界面风格。
Discover the Best WoW Addons on CurseForge - Enhance your World of Warcraft experience with free addons that customize UI, visuals, and more
WoW Unit 开发工具 当前评分:767.3 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 205 最后更新:2024-05-02 03:00 插件大小:39.85kb 最新版本号:10.1 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:jaliborc
[经典旧世]WoW Unit 开发工具 当前评分:188,896.7 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 205 最后更新:2022-03-24 10:01 插件大小:6.17kb 最新版本号:9.1.1 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:jaliborc
NDui的下载包体已经收录在了Curseforge网站上,下载时请认准版本: 怀旧服 curseforge.com/wow/addo 正式服 curseforge.com/wow/addo 揭开神秘面纱 当你第一次进入NDui的世界,你会为它的亲切而感到温馨。 首先是飘进游戏的Logo,高端又显大气: ![image_1fm9t4a5t1vpp1ehg1ba5116ugbt2l.png-360.7kB][6] 如果...
Step oneDownload CurseForge Step two Finish installation& set up Step three Click to installthe mod WoWTools_Chinese Byhusandro Addons 2,120 Description WoW UI Chinese localization. This addon is intended for Chinese players on EU server (where region language lock is applied). WoW UI 中文化 ...
I'll upload an alpha version to curseforge, live version in ~2-3 days. Author vggfaccommentedSep 5, 2024 I am not very familiar with these mistakes But I can see some error messages about the mini map 1x DragonflightUI/Compatibility.lua:8: attempt to call local 'checkAddonFunc' (a ...
On CurseForge, you can find a wide range of English WOW addons to enhance your gaming experience. Some popular choices include "ElvUI", which provides a complete user interface overhaul, and "DBM" or Deadly Boss Mods, which helps with boss encounters by providing timers and ...
Numerous UI tweaks Known deficiencies Quest Picker depends on Grail, remove dependency Guide Updates Well, over 600 guides were moved improved or added in preparation for TWW. I'm not listing them!CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best...