Top Quest Watch Item" BINDING_NAME_NxMAPSKIPTARGET = "Skip Current Target" NXLOADING = "Caricamento" NXLOAD_DONE = "Caricamento Completato" NXlARTIFACTS = "Recherche d'art\195\169facts" NXlGas = "Gaz" NXlEXTRACTGAS = "Extraction de gaz" NXlFISHING = "P\195\170che" NXlHERBGATHERING ...
Acherus: The Ebon Hold and the Scarlet Enclave A new area in the easternmost parts of the Eastern Plaguelands, near Tyr's Hand, which acts as the starting area for death knights. Stormwind Harbor Western Stormwind City has had a new harbor added which provides naval transport to Northrend ...