MACRO 16777235 " " Ability_Rogue_TricksOftheTrade /script local u,pi="Mouseover","嫁祸诀窍";if IsSpellInRange(pi,u)==1 and GetSpellCooldown(pi)==0 then SendChatMessage("已经释放 "..GetSpellLink(pi).."!","WHISPER",nil,UnitName(u)) end /cast [mod:alt,target=player] [...
World of Warcraft on GameXploitsGameXploits strives to provide the latest World of Warcraft cheats such as WoW exploits, bots, hacks, and guides. Gain the advantage in World of Warcraft and become the best in any field you desire with the tricks of the trade featured on GameXploits....
Intelligently creates and self modifies a Tricks of the Trade macro for easy control of your Tricks of the Trade ability. TricksRoulette by Le_Vagabond. Short, silly addon written mostly for my guild's hunters. Type /tr to show the button, click on it to select a random raid member and...
Intelligently creates and self modifies your misdirection / tricks of the trade macro for easy control of your misdirection / tricks of the trade ability. MissingFriends by Aezay. Lets you know who exactly has been removed from your friend's list if a character no longer exists....
Tricks of the trade and how to wreck meters. Tranqing: Now you can either put tranq cast in your macro, or you can do it purely as a yell macro and have your tranq separate. – This is what I do, the reason for this is it allows me to spam tranq when it is my turn in the...
--- Description: You simply say the above and than automaticly cancel the trade. Example: /say No, I don't have time to make you free stacks of water, unless you want to pay me 5G per stack. /script CancelTrade() Detect Clearcasting (this one can be a bit hard to make, make sur...
Original version of the addon with some fixes from BlueAo. Download Warmane Forum TradeSkillMaster v2.8.3 TSM is an addon designed to help both casual gold makers as well as experienced goblins streamline their gold-making processes. TSM's features include everything from improving the native cr...
I prefer to remember the temple as it used to be not the abomination it has become. My soul bears the burden of my misjudgement. But I have been patient, I have been waiting and when the time is right the betrayer will become the betrayed. - Akama ” Other...
Put your stack or stacks in the window on your side (look for your picture and name) and wait for them to put in the right amount of money AND to commit (or turn their side of the trade window green). When their side has the proper money and is green, then click Sell. ...
Prior to the Burning Crusade, it was wise to let the tank pull, or be the first to gain aggro after a Hunter has pulled and feigned death. Due to the odd way Taunt aggro worked prior to BC, this would cause the tank's taunts to always return aggro to him. As of BC, however, ...