Incarnation: Chosen of Elune 化身:艾露恩之眷 化身:伊露恩天選者 Incarnation: Tree of Life 化身:生命之树 化身:生命之樹 Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc 化身:乌索克的守护者 化身:厄索克守護者 Ephemeral Profusion 幻磷充沛 元質充沛 Ephemeral Incarnation 幻磷化身 元質化身 Ephemeral Mote 幻磷微尘...
Incarnation: Tree of Life 化身:生命之树 化身:生命之樹 Incarnation: Guardian ofUrsoc 化身:乌索克的守护者 化身:厄索克守護者 Ephemeral Profusion 幻磷充沛 元質充沛 Ephemeral Incarnation 幻磷化身 元質化身 Ephemeral Mote 幻磷微尘 元質微粒 Ephemeral Blossom 幻磷之花 元質綻放 Circlet of Weeds 荒草饰...
楼主如果是要实现豹子形态下按就变熊,熊形态下按就变豹子的话,如下:/cast [stance:3]巨熊形态 /cast [stance:1]猎豹形态 如果40级以下把巨熊改成熊
[stance:5] Tree of Life; [mounted] /changeactionbar [nostance] 1 Dire Bear Form / Cat Form / Travel Form / Aquatic Form 按ALT点变猫按CTRL点变熊,游泳中变水栖形态,否则变旅行形态 /cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Trave...
注释:熊仔拉仇恨的又一重要技能 嘿嘿~~ 飞行形态(变型) - Flight Form 需要等级 68 498点能量值 3秒施法时间 德鲁伊进入飞行形态,在这种形态下,移动速度提高60%并可以飞行。只能在外域使用。, 变身可以解除施法者身上的所有变形和移动限制效果。 注释:小D在68级就能飞行,而别的职业要等到70级,哦耶~`;小D...
Also, Tree of Life does not have the word "Form". If the player is using Glyph of the Stag and/or Tree of Life, this table will not be accurate. Note: If a priest has both Shadowform and Spirit of Redemption, Stance 2 is Spirit of Redemption. Example: ...
Druid: Updated Improved Tree of Life: The armor bonus to Tree of Life Form from this talent has been reduced to 67/133/200% bonus armor. Druid: Fixed Natural Reaction: Only add dodge in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form Death Knight: Updated Frost Presence: 10% bonus health reduced to ...
Each shapeshift corresponds to a “stance.” Either Moonkin or Tree of Life is stance 5, depending on spec. Flight Form would be the next number. The “shifting cooldown” only applies when you are trying to deshift within the first 1.5 seconds of shifting into that form, using the spec...
Nathanos Blightcaller says: How uncouth for the... Queen of the Tree Elves, is it? No, I suppose that won't do... What exactly do you rule over these days? 纳萨诺斯·凋零者:树精灵的女王真是...粗鲁啊。等一下,我觉得这行不通...最近你是怎么统治人民的? Tyrande...
Shift to Caster Form from any form 从任何形态变为人形/cancelaura [stance:1] Dire Bear Form; [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form <or Tree of Life>/cancelaura [mounted] Frostwolf Howler <replace with your mount>Shift to Dire...