Please tell me this is a fricken joke…PLEASE blizzard tell me you guys seriously didnt do this dumbbbbbbbb moronic thing of bringing in a wow token to CLASSIC WOTLK…i didnt think self sabotage was this great…but here we …
It doesn't take up much of your time to buy WoW wotlk gold and wow cata gold on G2G. Here are the ways to buy it: Log into your G2G account or sign up if you haven't registered. On the search bar, enter "WoW Classic" and select the type of purchase you want. In this case,...
Cataclysm Classic Shaman Fire Elemental should now correctly focus on your latest flame shock target. November 8, 2024 Cataclysm Classic Fixed an issue where the Heroic Tier 11 Helm and Shoulders were costing a Tier Token and the normal version of the item, instead of just the Tier Token. ...
Irrelevant because the price of the token is not static. The value of the token would be worth a variable amount of time farming. If everyone can farm 100g/hour, then the price of the token will reflect that. Let’s say, for instance, the economy decides that the price of a token i...
dieing at the same place and "forming" a goldsellersite in the air with the dead bodies. That was the most strange thing i saw back in the days beside the heavy spam / advertisement of goldseller-(phishing)-sites. And if the tokenprice keeps dropping, then this chinese...
Yes, you think it's "simple" and that the token clearly makes WoW p2w. That just tells me you've not really put enough thought into it. The truth is that p2w has no universally accepted definition. So how people will choose to define it for themselves is subjective. People who are ...
Wow wrath could reign supreme if blizzard worked on banning RMT / banning bots / balancing factions / removing layers / not changing anything in any class / not adding boosts or tokens / better phases timing / fixing WG …
Hundreds of hours of professional quality video have been produced and millions of words have been written in exacting and consistent protest of this single debilitating issue in WoW pvp, yet only (literal) token responses have been offered by Blizzard. This in the face of the overwhelmingly ...
Price displayed for Arena PvP sets Price displayed for Battleground rewards Price displayed for Heroic Mode token turn-ins Price displayed for World PvP rewards Darkmoon Faire Ticket rewards now have prices displayed Minor updates to 'old world' loot tables ...
Hello Classic enthusiasts! We’ve been following the discussions about Classic closely here on the forums (and elsewhere) throughout the winter, and wanted to give you an update on a few things that the Classic developmen…