The WoW Token was created to give players with lots of extra gold the option to use it to help cover their subscription cost, and give those who want to purchase gold a way to do so from fellow players through a secure, easy-to-use system. The Token will be making its debut in an...
The WoW Token was created to give players with lots of extra gold the option to use it to help cover their subscription cost, and give those who want to purchase gold a way to do so from fellow players through a secure, easy-to-use system. The Token will be making its debut in an ...
If you’re good at gold farming, you can get a token or two in one morning. Nippyss-barthilas (Nippyss) September 26, 2020, 8:22am 65 That’s still horrible game design This game also has a sub cost Qamaits-darrowmere (Qamaits) September 26, 2020, 8:23am 66 Quinzal: boos...
Profit makes the good game, no one works for free. Wow tokens are not gambling loot boxes. Gambling has a chance you get something worth less than the value you paid. The token has a set priced based on the current market, you know what you’re getting when you buy it. It’s a ...
Every mount in BfA is not a gold sink. - - - Updated - - - So what if the gold gained from the token was not used for the boost? It is only pay to win if you buy the power. Not buy gold that you can then use for anything in-game that gold buys. You don't win anything...
cost of 5mp+gold to save the set. Personally speaking this wouldn't deter me from farming the items that are actually obtainable in game in order to lower the cost of transmog for that slot and it would make the stuff i can't get (the more expensive, for mog token only stuff) more...
6. The Role of WoW Tokens in the Debate Blizzard’s WoW Token offers a middle ground. Players can buy tokens with real money and sell them in the in-game auction house for gold. While this method is more expensive than buying from third-party sellers, it is safe and Blizzard-approved,...
Most represent particular items (IE chest, feet, helm, etc), and most are keyed to 3-4 particular classes. See Armor token for more information. AmbiguitiesThere is a gray area of whether some items are currency or quest items. The discussion page Template talk:Cost has various comments ...
Trust us - the fastest way to get advantage and become a king in the game is to simply buy gold. If you have at least some spare money in real life, you can buy gold from Blizz in a token form and then sell it in the game. ...
(itemID))--已收集, 未收集 elseif itemQuality==7 or itemQuality==8 then--7传家宝,8 WoWToken topRightText=format('|T%d:0|t', if classID==0 and subclassID==8 and C_Item.GetItemSpell(itemLink) then--传家宝,升级,物品 local dateInfo= e.GetTooltipData({bag=tab.bag...