Want to buy a WoW Token for gold? Head to the new Game Time tab in the Auction House, and purchase one immediately for the current gold buyout price—there’s no bidding involved. When you put a WoW Token up for sale, you’ll be quoted the amount of gold you’ll receive once some...
TOKEN_CONFIRM_CREATE_AUCTION- Exact Buyout Price: |cffffffff%s|r|nEstimated Time to Sell: |cffffffff%s|r|n|n|cffffffffOnce this auction is created it can't be cancelled and the Token can't be refunded.|r TOKEN_CONFIRM_GAME_TIME_DESCRIPTION- 30 days of game time will ...
Stacked items for sale at the auction house now display the per unit price and per unit buyout price in the item mouseover. The profession UI search field has been improved and now allows for searching of more types of things. For instance you can search for items by socket color, by ...
A:The WoW Token feature is designed to facilitate the exchange of gold and game time between players in as secure, convenient, and fair a way as possible, and without making players feel like they’re playing a game with their hard-earned money. Having a set current market price and a s...
Here's the turtle WoW bag, same token price : Now let's take a loot at the payment systems : https://everlook.org/donate You can only use a service calledgamepoints.orgto pay,we will go back to that later as it is a very important point. ...
All 25 man raid bosses who drop set tokens will now drop an additional token. Lightsworn Vindicators outside the Black Temple will no longer attack players who are Hostile with the Aldor. Creatures will no longer Cleave targets that aren't in front of them. Silence spell duration has been...
Stacked items for sale at the auction house now display the per unit price and per unit buyout price in the item mouseover. The profession UI search field has been improved and now allows for searching of more types of things. For instance you can search for items by socket color, by ...
StartAuction(minBid, buyoutPrice, runTime) - 开始拍卖 创建拍卖 面板内物品. 界面 AuctionFrameAuctions.duration - 设置拍卖持续总计时间. 银 行 函 数 (Bank Functions)BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(buttonID) - 以背包 位置 ID 方式返回银行包裹位置 ID. CloseBankFrame() - 关闭 (打开的) 银行窗口. --...
StartAuction(minBid, buyoutPrice, runTime) - 开始拍卖 创建拍卖 面板内物品. 界面 AuctionFrameAuctions.duration - 设置拍卖持续总计时间. 银 行 函 数 (Bank Functions)BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(buttonID) - 以背包 位置 ID 方式返回银行包裹位置 ID. CloseBankFrame() - 关闭 (打开的) 银行窗口. --...