The Molten Core will also gain additional abilities and increased powers as it gains energy, making this fight very healer intensive the longer it lasts. Flare is the main raid-wide damage of the fight, dealing pulsing Fire damage to the entire raid; damage dealt is further increased the ...
The Molten Core is a level 60 raid dungeon located within Blackrock Mountain, home and seat of power[1] to Ragnaros the Firelord. It was one of two forty (40) player raid dungeons available upon release of World of Warcraft, the other being Onyxia's Lair. Considered the pinnacle of ...
The Molten Core is a level 60 raid dungeon located within Blackrock Mountain, home and seat of power[1] to Ragnaros the Firelord. It was one of two forty (40) player raid dungeons available upon release of World of Warcraft, the other being Onyxi
对于黑龙公主的门任务,现在已不存在。进入MC(Molten Core)熔火之心副本,玩家需要在黑石山内部接取任务,完成一次黑石深渊的旅程,获取任务物品即可。对于BWL(Blackwing Lair)黑翼之巢副本,玩家需要在黑山门口右侧找到一个银英怪掉落的任务卷轴,完成任务后,再去黑山上击杀最终BOSS将军,以此进入副本。...
Molten Core 熔火之心 熔火之心 Molten Hatred 炽热憎恨 熔火恨意 Mortal Coil 死亡缠绕 死影纏繞 Ner'zhul's Volition 耐奥祖的意志 耐祖奧的決斷 Nether Portal 虚空传送门 虛空傳送門 Nether Portal Dissolve 虚空传送门分解 虛空傳送門消散 Nether Ward 虚空守卫 虛空結界 Nightfall 夜幕 夜暮 Nightm...
英文:Molten Destroyer61 - 63 精英 熔火之心联盟部落巨人 中文:熔核犬 英文:Core Hound61 精英 熔火之心联盟部落野兽 中文:玛格曼达 英文:Magmadar?? 首领 熔火之心联盟部落野兽 中文:管理者埃克索图斯 英文:Majordomo Executus?? 首领 熔火之心联盟部落人型生物 ...
the molten core ruins of an'qiraj temple of an'qiraj karazhan gru'ul 's lair magtheridon's lair serpentshrine's cavern the eye black temple the sunwe...
Welcome to this comprehensive Molten Core Raid Guide! All raiding guilds will spend several months in the fiery depths of Molten Core, so you’ll surely want to know about each boss encounter and the trash mobs found throughout. Like any other raid, you
MC -(英) Molten Core 熔火之核(副本)。 MF - (拼)魔兽世界北美服务器。 MJ - (拼)马甲,指同一个人的另一个ID或人物。 MLD - (拼)玛拉顿(副本)。 MMO - (英)Massively Multiplayer Online,大型多人在线。 MMOG -(英) Massively Multiplayer Online Game,大型多人在线游戏。 MMORPG - (英)Massive ...
好吧,有人问这类问题了,我把我了解的说说,首先说副本名称,一般的比较著名的大副本都是从外服传来的名称缩写用的比较多:熔火之心:MC,全称Molten Core 黑翼之巢:BWL,全称Black Wing Lair 安其拉:TAQ,全称Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (注意这个是安其拉神殿,还有个安其拉废墟)纳克萨玛斯:NAXX...