复仇之手英文名:The Hand of Vengeance 复制 声望额外效果 获得这个阵营的声望也将按比例获得下列阵营的声望。 阵营 值 最大关系 牦牛人 +25% 崇拜 战歌远征军 +25% 崇拜 夺日者 +25% 崇拜这个阵营的声望将被转换到霜脉矮人,如果你转移到联盟。 相关成员(124) 任务(53) 条件信息(3)1...
复仇之手英文名:The Hand of Vengeance 复制 声望额外效果 获得这个阵营的声望也将按比例获得下列阵营的声望。 阵营 值 最大关系 牦牛人 +25% 崇拜 战歌远征军 +25% 崇拜 夺日者 +25% 崇拜这个阵营的声望将被转换到霜脉矮人,如果你转移到联盟。 相关成员(122) 任务(53) 条件信息(2)1...
The Hand of Vengeance The Forsaken tasked by Sylvanas Windrunner with enacting Undercity's vengeance against Arthas by delivering the latest strain of their deadly Plague of Undeath.The Taunka These hardy people are cousins of the tauren and have become valuable scouts for the armies of the ...
The Hand of Vengeance The Forsaken tasked by Sylvanas Windrunner with enacting Undercity's vengeance against Arthas by delivering the latest strain of their deadly Plague of Undeath.The Taunka These hardy people are cousins of the tauren and have become valuable scouts for the armies of the ...
Once there, you were directed to prove your hatred by taking vengeance on the Scourge. Notably by having a chat with the Argent Officer Garush and acquiring an [Argent Dawn Commission], then returning to Mehlar with 20 Minion's Scourgestones. ...
The Lich King yells: Bah! You gnats actually hurt me. Perhaps I’ve toyed with you long enough. Now… taste the vengeance of the grave!巫妖王阿尔萨斯喊道:喝啊!你们这些虫子的确伤到了我。也许我跟你们玩得太久了。现在,尝尝来自墓地的复仇!Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: No more, Arthas! No ...
[With weekly restarts] Any Means Necessary damage bonus for affected skills reduced to 80% of your Mastery: Demonic Presence bonus (was 100%). Vengeance Fixed an issue that prevented Charred Flesh from benefitting from its second rank. Fixed an issue that prevented the global cooldown incurred...
Turn in[61] The Battle Horn, get[61] Bloody Vengeance. Turn in[61] The Warp Rifts, get[61] Void Ridge. Sell junk and repair. 1.Go northeast until you find an old destroyed Alliance siege tower, with an Unyielding Banner infront(63,78 ) ...
Moreover, not all night elves (or other races of Kalimdor) joined the main force of night elf defenders. Such holdouts were not necessarily resistant to the idea of joining their compatriots. Indeed, it seems likelier that these small pockets of resistance had heard nothing of the primary ...
中文:信仰铭文英文:Inscription of Faith 64 64 尊敬 抄写员萨莉恩 永久附魔 中文:图鉴:纯净德拉诺影钻英文:Design: Royal Shadow Draenite 61 尊敬 军需官恩达尔林 宝石加工设计 中文:复仇铭文英文:Inscription of Vengeance 64 64 尊敬 抄写员萨莉恩 永久附魔 中文:戒律铭文英文:Inscription of Discipline 64 64 ...