1432-THE GREAT PUBG MOBILE CRATE HUNT - Loot Them ALL! 16:42 1433-Powerbang's TOP 6 Favorite Changes in PUBG Mobile Update 19:17 1434-How to get backpack and helmet Skins in PUBG MOBILE 10:05 1435-New ACHIEVEMENTS AND REWARDS System in PUBG MOBILE 09:05 1436-PUBG MOBILE x Mi...
Hemet Nesingwary is a dwarven game hunter seen in Nagrand, Sholazar Basin, Valley of the Four Winds, alternate Nagrand, Highmountain, and Zuldazar. Considered the greatest hunter on Azeroth, he led safaris to hunt the wildlife of Azeroth and beyond, and is the author of The Green Hills of...
魔兽世界10.0萨满技能英文中文繁中翻译,国服关闭后很多玩家选择去外服重新开始,最近很多玩家们在玩萨满的时候,都不知道技能是什么了,下面小编就为各位玩家们来翻译一下。 魔兽世界萨满技能英文中文对照表
杀死随机怪物会掉落恶魔腺素,将它和地精交给你的羊肉混合可以用来毒死看守龙喉苦工,给12个苦工营地下毒。不友善的空路(The Not-So-Friendly Skies)守在龙喉空路并狙击路过的搬运工,并收集10个灵翼遗物交给地精。寻找伟大的灵翼龙蛋(The Great Netherwing Egg Hunt)纯粹看运气的任务,在灵翼浮岛...
While camping in Highmountain with Misha, which was just a way north of the Unseen Path's headquarters, Rexxar was approached by the group's new Huntmaster seeking to recruit him. Rexxar gave the hunter a challenge: survive the night in the wilds much like he himself does, for he believe...
中文:狩猎月痕鹿英文:The Great Moongraze Hunt 6 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 405 1 秘蓝岛 中文:狩猎月痕鹿英文:The Great Moongraze Hunt 8 4 选取其中一个: 530 1 75 秘蓝岛 中文:瓦克图腾英文:Totem of Vark 10 8 85 秘蓝岛 中文:督军斯雷提兹英文:Warlord Sriss'tiz 10 6 选取其中一...
与灵翼龙族建立声望关系 首先你要前往影月谷,寻找NPC[莫德奈],接下他给的任务:友善,这是一个系列任务,共9步,起始于:<友善>,终结于:<灵翼之盟>,任务列表如下:·友善 ·寻找奈尔萨拉库 ·奈尔萨拉库的故事 ·攻击龙喉要塞 ·前往灵翼浮岛!·奈尔萨拉库之力 ·卡瑞纳库 ·疲惫的祖鲁希德...
The Great Microphone Hunt TOP Daisy Kickity Kick Ball TOP Wubbzy Silly Speeder TOP Wow Wow Wubbzy Ring Catch TOP Wubbzy Amazing Adventure TOP Wubbzy Underwater Adventure TOP Wow Wow Wubbzy Bubble Shotter Wow Wow Wubbzy Jigsaw Puzzle Lets Color Wubbzy Wow Wow Wubbzy Coloring Book ...
英文名:The Great Moongraze Hunt 复制 中文代码 英文代码 将6张月痕鹿皮交给碧蓝岗哨的艾克提恩。 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 月痕鹿皮 (6)相关地点此任务在秘蓝岛起始,并在 秘蓝岛和埃索达有目标。建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图...