成员(236) 任务(153) 任务(153) 条件信息(5) 条件信息(5) 名称 等级 需要等级 声望 阵营 物品栏 来源 类型 中文:大地之环战袍 英文:Tabard of the Earthen Ring 85友善战袍Provisioner Arok战袍 中文:元素平衡吊坠 英文:Pendant of Elemental Balance ...
Might of the Earthen Ring 大地之环之力 陶土議會之力 Might of the Maelstrom 漩涡之力 元能之力 Might of the Worldsplitter 裂世者之力 裂界者之力 Molten Assault 熔火突袭 熔火襲擊 Molten Blast 岩浆爆裂 熔岩爆裂 Molten Shock 熔火震击 岩漿震擊 Molten Weapon 熔岩武器 熔火武器 Monkey I...
Like all other factions in the new expansion, the Earthen Ring has a quartermaster who sells high-value goods, including pieces of gear that scale up to Epic (purple) quality, depending on how much reputation you’ve earned with the faction. Unfortunately for players, the Earthen Ring has ea...
英文名:Relic of the Earthen Ring 复制 中文代码 英文代码 将你的四大元素图腾交给奥格瑞玛的戈图拉·林风。 火焰图腾 大地图腾 空气图腾 水之图腾相关地点此任务开始于奥格瑞玛和雷霆崖,结束于奥格瑞玛。建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图...
迪菲亚兄弟会(The Defias Brotherhood)瑟银兄弟会(The Thorium Brotherhood)哨兵是NE专用组织,因为上古之战...
The Earthen Ring scramble to recover the World Pillar fragments stolen by the Twilight's Hammer, initially opposed but later assisted by Therazane's forces. Uldum: Level 83-84 zone in southern Kalimdor. A Titan refuge hidden by ancient technology for millennia, this vast desert, filled with ...
对于现在艾泽拉斯大陆上的住民来说,他们的存在是那样的虚无飘渺,不过据陶土议会(编注:Earthen Ring,一个萨满组织,原先设计为一个独立声望后被暴雪取消,纳格兰和影月谷都有一些NPC是他们的成员)的消息,艾萨拉的娜迦们因不明目的已经重新占领了瓦斯琪尔,来自深渊的元素回音响彻整个艾泽拉斯大陆。
After the fall of the Lich King and the increasing elemental unrest heralding the Cataclysm, Thrall stepped down as leader of the Horde, appointed Garrosh Hellscream as Warchief, and joined with the shamanistic Earthen Ring to combat the rampaging elements, eventually aiding the Aspects in Deathwi...
虽然这是一个官方支持的活动,但是目前没有进行刻意的监督,因此一切都只能靠玩家自觉。截止发稿当日,尚存活的玩家的最高等级为47级,是来自北美Earthen Ring服务器的牛头人圣骑Ironhoff,而因阵亡而不幸挑战失败的玩家等级则高达72级,是一位来自欧洲Earthen Ring服务器的血精灵猎人Ironmin。
Accept just one follow up quest: Je’Neu of the Earthen Ring. Take a flight to Zoram’gar Outpost. Turn in Je’neu of the Earthen Ring. Use your hearthstone to return to Orgrimmar. Now is a good time to repair and use the auction house. Buy any shredder manual pages that you are...